Friday, October 28, 2005

Change to Mortgage Interest Deduction Could Drop Home Prices By 15 Percent, NAR President Warns

SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 28 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Home prices, particularly in high cost areas, could decline 15 percent if President Bush's tax reform panel's expected recommendation to convert the mortgage interest deduction (MID) to a tax credit gets implemented, said Al Mansell, president of the National Association of Realtors(r) (NAR).

Speaking at the opening session of the 2005 REALTORS(r) Conference & Expo here, Mansell said that if the MID were changed, the typical homeowner could lose $20,000 to $30,000 in housing equity.

"Housing is the engine that drives this economy and to even mention reducing the tax benefits of homeownership could endanger property values. The tax deductibility of interest paid on mortgages is both a powerful incentive for homeownership and one of the simplest provisions in the tax code. It should not be targeted for change," Mansell said. "NAR will continue to tell Congress that Realtors(r) strongly oppose any attempts to alter the current tax treatment of mortgage interest."

Eliminating the mortgage interest deduction would hurt middle-income families the most, he said. According to IRS tax return data from 2003, 52 percent of the families who claim the mortgage interest deduction have household incomes between $60,000 and $200,000.

The president's tax reform panel will issue its proposals next week. It is expected to recommend converting the MID from a deduction to a tax credit; reducing the $1 million cap on mortgages to the local FHA loan limit (which can be as little as $170,000 and no more than $312,000 in high cost areas such as Alaska, Hawaii, Guam or the Virgin Islands; the current cap has been in place since 1987); eliminating any deduction or credit for second homes; repealing the deduction for property taxes, as well as other state and local taxes; and raising the amount of gain to be excluded on sale of a principal residence, but reducing the frequency in which the exclusion can be taken.

"These proposals are startling," Mansell told the gathering of several thousand Realtors(r). When a trial balloon was floated earlier this month, he said, "We communicated immediately with the chairs of the Tax Reform Panel and expressed our shock at their proposals."

He noted that both political parties have criticized the proposals. "But we cannot assume they will all go away. Tell your members of Congress not to alter the structure of mortgage tax deductibility. Together, Realtors(r) will meet this challenge and ensure that housing remains strong -- supporting our nation and its families for many years to come," Mansell said.

Speaking at the same forum, NAR President-elect Tom Stevens passionately defended the NAR policy on Internet Listing Displays being challenged in a Department of Justice lawsuit. He said the lawsuit revolves around a single question: Who controls the Internet display of the listings that are shared through the Multiple Listing Service?

"Is it the broker who won the vigorous competition to obtain the listing? Or, is it anyone with a broker's license who wants to make money off someone else's hard work?" Stevens asked. "Listing brokers should have the right to decide where and how their listings are marketed. Period."

Stevens said if the Justice Department wins its case, the MLS will become nothing short of a public utility. "That means every listing in the MLS could be used to attract consumers to Web sites that only sell leads and referrals back to active participants in real estate industry. Those businesses never contribute a single listing of their own to enrich the pool and do not intend to sell a property," Stevens said.

"Turning the MLS into a public utility would be nothing short of a disaster -- not just for Realtors(r), but for the entire real estate market. Without the MLS, smaller firms would be at an immense disadvantage and the entire real estate market would be less competitive and provide less choice to consumers --precisely the things the Justice Department espouses to protect," he said.

Stevens also told Realtors(r) to write to their members of Congress to support legislation to enact small business health plans that could impact Realtors(r) and other small businesses for years to come. One bill has already been passed by the House, but similar measures are pending in Senate committees.

More than 26,000 Realtors(r) are expected to attend the four-day conference, Oct. 28 - 31.


The National Association of Realtors(r), "The Voice for Real Estate," is America's largest trade association, representing more than one million members involved in all aspects of the residential and commercial real estate industries.

Information about NAR is available at This and other news releases are posted in the Web site's "News Media" section in the NAR Media Center.

REALTOR(r) is a registered collective membership mark which may be used only by real estate professionals who are members of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS(r) and subscribe to its strict Code of Ethics.

HNBA Renews Its Call for Nomination of a Hispanic to U.S. Supreme Court; List of 8 Potential Hispanic Nominees Should be Considered

To: National Desk, Legal Reporter

Contact: Andreia Rosa of HNBA, 202-223-4777,

WASHINGTON, Oct. 28 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Upon yesterday's announcement that Harriet Miers has withdrawn her nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court, the Hispanic National Bar Association (HNBA) again urges President Bush to nominate a Hispanic as Associate Justice to the Supreme Court of the United States.

In June, 2005 the HNBA delivered to President Bush a list of eight exceedingly qualified candidates to consider for nomination to vacancies on the Supreme Court: The Honorable Jose Alberto Cabranes, The Honorable Julio M. Fuentes, The Honorable Emilio M. Garza, The Honorable Alberto R. Gonzales, The Honorable Victor Marrero, The Honorable Carlos R. Moreno, The Honorable Federico A. Moreno and The Honorable Sonia Sotomayor.

"For many years now, the HNBA has produced lists of exceptional candidates for nomination to the United States Supreme Court. During that period, the HNBA has shared its Supreme Court lists with the leadership of both national parties. To date, both parties -- Republicans and Democrats alike -- have failed to nominate a Hispanic," Nelson A. Castillo, President of the Hispanic National Bar Association explained.

"As the nomination process reopens and develops over the next few days, the HNBA will monitor closely and hold accountable the actions of the Administration, the U.S. Senate, and the leadership of both the Republican and Democratic parties on their selection of the next nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court. This is an issue of critical importance to our Nation and to the estimated 42 million Hispanics that consider our Nation their homeland," Castillo concluded.

The HNBA is a non-profit, national association that represents the interests of over 27,000 Hispanic American attorneys, judges, law professors, law students and legal professionals. Its continuing mission is to improve the study, practice and administration of justice for all Americans by ensuring the meaningful participation of Hispanic-Americans in the legal professional.

Former FBI Informant Sentenced for Nine Felonies Including Drug Trafficking and Obstructing Justice

To: National Desk

Contact: Justice Department, 202-514-2008

WASHINGTON, Oct. 28 /U.S. Newswire/ -- A former Federal Bureau of Investigation informant has been sentenced to 121 months in prison for scheming to deceive the FBI during a three-and-a-half year federal grand jury investigation in Detroit, Assistant Attorney General Alice S. Fisher of the Criminal Division and Inspector General Glenn A. Fine announced today.

Myron Strong, 34, was sentenced today by U.S. District Court Judge John Corbett O'Meara in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Strong had previously pleaded guilty to nine felony counts, including obstruction of justice, witness tampering, theft of government property, retaliating against a federal official, and four counts of distribution of a controlled substance. Strong also pleaded guilty to an additional charge of obstruction of justice for crimes he committed from prison while awaiting trial on the earlier charges.

At the time of his guilty plea, Strong admitted that he had engaged in a scheme to defraud law enforcement between September 2000 and February 2004 by inventing a fictitious international drug trafficking organization that he claimed was distributing cocaine, heroin and marijuana across the country through several purported drug dealers in the Detroit area, including "Fly" and "Zule Obawallah Shule." During the alleged scheme, Strong falsely accused real individuals of being drug dealers and submitted drugs and other substances as alleged evidence of their crimes. He also recruited individuals, including associate Robert Ready, to pose as drug dealers during scripted phone calls and staged drug deals with undercover agents. Strong and his associates netted approximately $240,000 in drug money and other investigative expenses, according to the documents filed in court.

Strong admitted that during the scheme, he recruited others to falsely incriminate the then-Special Agent in Charge (SAC) of the FBI's Detroit Field Office in phone calls that Strong knew were being monitored by the FBI. In those calls, it was falsely suggested that the purported drug dealers had an improper relationship with the FBI SAC and that the SAC had given them information about the FBI's investigation into their drug trafficking. Strong also admitted that to add credibility to the story, and to ensure the continued theft of funds, he had associate Andre Boone pose as a drug dealer to falsely claim that he learned from the SAC the identity of an FBI undercover agent working on the case. Then, playing the drug dealer, Boone read scripts Strong prepared and threatened to kill the undercover agent. Strong, in turn, offered to help find the drug dealer who made the threats, though he knew he was providing false information which led the investigators further away from the true identity of the supposed drug dealer.

The Department of Justice's Office of Inspector General, the FBI, and the Public Integrity Section of the Department's Criminal Division began an investigation following Strong's false incrimination of the SAC. The investigation quickly uncovered Strong's misconduct and exonerated the SAC of any wrongdoing. As the criminal case against Strong was proceeding to trial, investigators uncovered more crimes Strong committed while detained at the Milan, Michigan federal prison. Strong's guilty plea included a charge of obstruction of justice for manipulating family members and fellow Milan inmates to give scripted exculpatory testimony at his trial, to give scripted false evidence against Andre Boone and Robert Ready after Boone and Ready began cooperating with the government, and to otherwise obstruct his criminal case.

Boone and Ready pleaded guilty in August 2004 and have since cooperated with the government against Strong. Boone was recently sentenced by Judge O'Meara to three months of home confinement and two years of supervised release. Ready is expected to be sentenced by Judge O'Meara on Monday, Oct. 31, 2005.

The case is being prosecuted by Trial Attorneys Kartik K. Raman and Daniel Schwager of the Public Integrity Section, headed by Section Chief Noel L. Hillman, with assistance from Assistant U.S. Attorney Joseph Allen of the Eastern District of Michigan. The investigation is being handled by the Chicago Field Office of the Office of the Inspector General, Department of Justice, with assistance from the FBI's Detroit Field Office.

RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman on Today's Announcement by Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald

To: National Desk, Political Reporter

Contact: Tracey Schmitt of the Republican National Committee Communications Staff, 202-863-8614

WASHINGTON, Oct. 28 /U.S. Newswire/ -- RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman issued the following statement regarding today's announcement by special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald:

"Scooter Libby is a good and capable man who has given many years of his life to serve our nation. Mr. Libby is entitled to his day in court to answer the charges against him, receive a full airing of all the facts and is innocent until proven otherwise.

"While some Democrats have acted irresponsibly in regards to this matter from the beginning, the President and Republicans in Congress have and will continue to focus on the American people's priorities: strengthening the economy, winning the War on Terror, lowering energy costs and improving our schools."

Paid for by the Republican National Committee. Web: Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.

Army Begins Prior Service Recruiting Initiative

To: National Desk

Contact: Maj. Elizabeth Robbins, 703-697-5343 or; Lt. Col. Bryan Hilferty,

WASHINGTON, Oct. 28 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The Department of the Army began a new recruiting initiative this week to increase its prior service accessions.

Under the "Unity of Effort" initiative, the Army will begin contacting more than 78,000 former Soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines, offering them an opportunity to again serve in America's military.

"These patriots answered the call to duty before," said Lt. Gen. F. L. Hagenbeck, Army Deputy Chief of Staff for personnel, "Veterans often miss being part of the team. They miss the adventure, camaraderie, team work and values of the military. We are offering them the chance to again respond to the call to duty."

Prior service enlisted personnel may

-- retain their previous grade, if enlisting within 48 months after separation

-- retrain into a new specialty if desired and if the applicant qualifies for that specialty

-- receive up to $19,000 in enlistment bonuses, depending upon specialty selected

Prior service officers can

-- reestablish their military service benefits

-- possibly qualify for an exciting career specialty that may not have been available during their past service

-- if joining the Army Reserve components, receive a bonus of up to $6,000

Prior enlisted personnel should contact their local Army Recruiter, call 1-800-USA-ARMY, or visit .

Prior service officers should call 1-800-325-4898.

Media may contact Lt. Col. Bryan Hilferty at bryan- or Maj. Elizabeth Robbins at

Justice Department Settles Lawsuit with S.O.G. Specialty Knives, Inc. Over Employment Benefits for a Coast Guard Reservist

To: National Desk

Contact: U.S. Department of Justice, 202-514-2007 or 202-514-1888 (TDD)

WASHINGTON, Oct. 28 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The Justice Department today announced a settlement agreement with S.O.G. Specialty Knives, Inc. (SSK), resolving a lawsuit filed to protect the rights of a United States Coast Guard reservist who served in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

"We have a duty to our men and women in the military to enforce vigorously their legal right to be free of employment discrimination on the basis of their military service," said Bradley J. Schlozman, acting assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division. "Particularly at a time when these brave individuals are putting their very lives on the line in defense of our freedom, such discrimination cannot and will not be tolerated. We are very pleased to see a positive resolution in this case."

The complaint alleges that SSK violated the Uniformed Services Employment and Re-employment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA) by improperly discharging the plaintiff from his position when he was called to active duty in January 2003. The complaint also alleges that SSK failed to properly re-employ the reservist to a position of similar status and duties upon his return.

The Veterans' Employment and Training Service of the Labor Department referred the serviceman's complaint to the Justice Department upon completion of its investigation. In the consent decree, which must be approved by the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington, SSK has agreed to compensate the plaintiff.

Acting Assistant Attorney General Schlozman noted that SSK voluntarily cooperated with the investigation of the Coast Guard reservist's USERRA complaint and, while denying any wrongdoing, agreed to provide him compensation.

This is the eighth USERRA complaint filed by the Justice Department since the Civil Rights Division received enforcement authority for USERRA cases in September 2004. USERRA protects the re-employment rights of service members or veterans upon their return to civilian life from active duty. To learn more about USERRA, go to

Cheney Can't Ignore Facts While on Georgia Trip: Nothing Peachy About CIA Leak Scandal, Says Democratic National Committee

To: National Desk

Contact: Luis Miranda of the Democratic National Committee, 202-863-8148

WASHINGTON, Oct. 28 /U.S. Newswire/ -- While Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald officially indicted the Vice President's chief of staff on five counts today in the scandal over who leaked the identity of a covert CIA operative in a time of war, Vice President Cheney seems to be looking the other way, spending the day in Georgia for photo ops and fundraisers with Republican congressional candidates. The indictment of Cheney's Chief of Staff marks the first time in more than a century that such measures have been taken against a senior White House official by a grand jury.

Having been named in the indictment as one of Libby's sources, Vice President Cheney should be answering still unanswered questions about this national security breach instead of posing for photo ops. Cheney needs to explain why there have been inconsistencies in his remarks to the public about the scandal, and must come clean about what role he may have played in the leak or the cover up, what he knew, and when he knew it. He should also answer questions about whether or not the other members of the White House Iraq Group played a role in the leak and if they answered to him or the President.

The decision by former Congressmen Mac Collins and Max Burns to ask for Vice President Cheney's help in raising special interest cash is an indication that the Georgia Congressional candidates have decided to embrace the Republican culture of corruption in Washington, DC.

"As indictments and ongoing investigations loom over the Administration's staff and the Republican leadership in Washington, it's troubling that Max Burns and Mac Collins would feel no qualms about bringing this cloud to Georgia," said Democratic National Committee Spokesperson Luis Miranda. "Instead of distancing themselves from the Republican leadership's culture of corruption, Burns and Collins are looking to profit from it. America can do better. The crows are in the corn, and it's time for Max Burns, Mac Collins, and Dick Cheney to wake up to reality. Burns and Collins should be denouncing the culture of corruption that has become the trademark of the Republican leadership, not cozying up to it."


Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee, This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Speaker Hastert Continues to Push for Oil Companies to Help Americans at the Pump

To: National Desk

Contact: Ron Bonjean or Lisa C. Miller, 202-225-2800, both of the Office of House Speaker Dennis Hastert

WASHINGTON, Oct. 28 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Following is a release from the Office of House Speaker Dennis Hastert:

Announcer Intro:

This past week Speaker Hastert and House Republican Leadership put pressure on the major oil companies to re-invest their record-breaking profits in America's energy independence by building more refineries, and increasing production, helping to reduce the prices at the pump.

Speaker Hastert Sound Bites:

-- This past week the major oil companies here in America came out with their 3rd quarter earnings. And I'm sure as you can guess they were all very large.

-- This is America and Republicans don't believe in punishing success. But we are urging these companies to re-invest their profits back into America. Oil companies need to do more to inform the American people about what they are doing to bring down the cost of oil and natural gas.

-- Americans want to know when new refineries are going to be built. It has been 30 years since a new refinery has been built in the United States.

-- When is the Alaska pipeline deal going to be signed? ConocoPhillips has reached an agreement with the state of Alaska on the pipeline; Exxon and BP need to do the same. These companies need to invest in America's energy infrastructure and resources. We need to build the refineries and the pipelines to produce America's Power

-- House Republicans are doing their part. Earlier this month, we passed the Gasoline for America's Security Act to help ease the construction of new refineries and criminalize price gouging.

-- And earlier this year, House Republicans passed an energy bill that the President signed into law. It provided incentives for the new use of clean and renewable sources of energy like ethanol and biodiesel.

-- We have other resources of oil and natural gas - in ANWR, the Rockies, and other locations. House Republicans have acted to make these resources available.

-- We realize that gas prices have been at record highs. House Republicans will continue to do what we can to relieve that pressure for American families.

Announcer Tag:

House Republicans realize the problems that high gas prices cause Americans and they are running on all cylinders to try and relieve the situation, while the Democrat idea of raising taxes is quickly running out of gas.

Change to Mortgage Interest Deduction Could Drop Home Prices By 15 Percent, NAR President Warns

To: National and Business Desks, Political Reporter

Contact: Lucien Salvant of the National Association of Realtors(r), 202-383-1176 or

SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 28 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Home prices, particularly in high cost areas, could decline 15 percent if President Bush's tax reform panel's expected recommendation to convert the mortgage interest deduction (MID) to a tax credit gets implemented, said Al Mansell, president of the National Association of Realtors(r) (NAR).

Speaking at the opening session of the 2005 REALTORS(r) Conference & Expo here, Mansell said that if the MID were changed, the typical homeowner could lose $20,000 to $30,000 in housing equity.

"Housing is the engine that drives this economy and to even mention reducing the tax benefits of homeownership could endanger property values. The tax deductibility of interest paid on mortgages is both a powerful incentive for homeownership and one of the simplest provisions in the tax code. It should not be targeted for change," Mansell said. "NAR will continue to tell Congress that Realtors(r) strongly oppose any attempts to alter the current tax treatment of mortgage interest."

Eliminating the mortgage interest deduction would hurt middle-income families the most, he said. According to IRS tax return data from 2003, 52 percent of the families who claim the mortgage interest deduction have household incomes between $60,000 and $200,000.

The president's tax reform panel will issue its proposals next week. It is expected to recommend converting the MID from a deduction to a tax credit; reducing the $1 million cap on mortgages to the local FHA loan limit (which can be as little as $170,000 and no more than $312,000 in high cost areas such as Alaska, Hawaii, Guam or the Virgin Islands; the current cap has been in place since 1987); eliminating any deduction or credit for second homes; repealing the deduction for property taxes, as well as other state and local taxes; and raising the amount of gain to be excluded on sale of a principal residence, but reducing the frequency in which the exclusion can be taken.

"These proposals are startling," Mansell told the gathering of several thousand Realtors(r). When a trial balloon was floated earlier this month, he said, "We communicated immediately with the chairs of the Tax Reform Panel and expressed our shock at their proposals."

He noted that both political parties have criticized the proposals. "But we cannot assume they will all go away. Tell your members of Congress not to alter the structure of mortgage tax deductibility. Together, Realtors(r) will meet this challenge and ensure that housing remains strong -- supporting our nation and its families for many years to come," Mansell said.

Speaking at the same forum, NAR President-elect Tom Stevens passionately defended the NAR policy on Internet Listing Displays being challenged in a Department of Justice lawsuit. He said the lawsuit revolves around a single question: Who controls the Internet display of the listings that are shared through the Multiple Listing Service?

"Is it the broker who won the vigorous competition to obtain the listing? Or, is it anyone with a broker's license who wants to make money off someone else's hard work?" Stevens asked. "Listing brokers should have the right to decide where and how their listings are marketed. Period."

Stevens said if the Justice Department wins its case, the MLS will become nothing short of a public utility. "That means every listing in the MLS could be used to attract consumers to Web sites that only sell leads and referrals back to active participants in real estate industry. Those businesses never contribute a single listing of their own to enrich the pool and do not intend to sell a property," Stevens said.

"Turning the MLS into a public utility would be nothing short of a disaster -- not just for Realtors(r), but for the entire real estate market. Without the MLS, smaller firms would be at an immense disadvantage and the entire real estate market would be less competitive and provide less choice to consumers --precisely the things the Justice Department espouses to protect," he said.

Stevens also told Realtors(r) to write to their members of Congress to support legislation to enact small business health plans that could impact Realtors(r) and other small businesses for years to come. One bill has already been passed by the House, but similar measures are pending in Senate committees.

More than 26,000 Realtors(r) are expected to attend the four-day conference, Oct. 28 - 31.


The National Association of Realtors(r), "The Voice for Real Estate," is America's largest trade association, representing more than one million members involved in all aspects of the residential and commercial real estate industries.

Information about NAR is available at This and other news releases are posted in the Web site's "News Media" section in the NAR Media Center.

REALTOR(r) is a registered collective membership mark which may be used only by real estate professionals who are members of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS(r) and subscribe to its strict Code of Ethics.

Immigrant, Minority Leaders Join Minuteman Rally in Sacramento Oct. 29; Warn of Consequences of Continued Massive Immigration

To: Metro and Assignment desks

Contact: Yeh Ling-Ling of Diversity Alliance for a Sustainable America, 510-835-5017 or 510-915-4982; Web:

OAKLAND, Calif., Oct. 28 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The Immigration Reform and Control Act ("IRCA") passed in 1986 has granted amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens. Last December, the illegal immigrant population in the U.S. was estimated to be 18 million to 20 million by Bear Sterns' economist Robert Justich.

"The U.S. is overwhelmed by Katrina, energy and other national problems. It is not wise to add millions of people to this country yearly who consume energy and need jobs, health care, education and other social services. The U.S. should first improve life for natives and legal immigrants of diverse backgrounds already here," says Yeh Ling-Ling, an immigrant and executive director of Diversity Alliance for a Sustainable America (DASA), a national non-profit organization whose leaders and supporters are racially and politically diverse. It urges national leaders to support Rep. Tom Tancredo's bills, the Right Act of 2005 and the Real Guest Act.

Mexican-American Angie Morfin-Vargas, co-founder of Latino Americans for Immigration Reform whose son was killed by a Mexican illegal alien, demands that the U.S. stop illegal aliens from killing and displacing Americans: "President Bush and Congress should send a strong and unequivocal message that no amnesty will be granted to existing and future illegal aliens, in addition to enforcing existing immigration laws. Congress should also adopt new legislation making it illegal to grant any benefits whatsoever to illegal immigrants, including amnesty and automatic citizenship to children born here of illegal alien parents. Few illegal immigrants would want to stay in the U.S., or even come here, if they could not survive economically in the U.S. and if their families would receive no benefits whatsoever."

"Amnestied aliens once naturalized and their U.S.-born posterity could become U.S. voters. Americans should not allow Mexico to use legal and illegal migration to control American policies and reconquer the American Southwest," remarks J.C. Hernandez, a third-generation Texan of Mexican descent and a Vietnam vet who is the founder and president of the Houston-based Americans for Zero Immigration.

Dr. Frank L. Morris, Sr., former executive director of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, wants all the low-skilled reconstruction work saved for American citizens from New Orleans. "The Katrina tragedy is a reminder that America has often neglected its own poor and instead rolled out its welcome mats for foreign nationals, even illegal, who are competing against our native poor for jobs and other resources."

Thursday, October 27, 2005

House Committee Passes Cut in Medicaid Program; Deal Amendment Ensures that States Must Offer Health Center Services

To: National Desk, Health Care Reporter

Contact: Amy Simmons of the National Association of Community Health Centers, Inc., 202-296-1890; Web:

WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The House Energy & Commerce Committee today passed its Medicaid reform package meeting its target of cutting $15 billion over 5 years from the program. The Committee bill would dramatically change the way states are allowed to shape their Medicaid programs, including new cost-sharing requirements for many low-income individuals. On a positive note, the Committee did approve an amendment offered by Health Subcommittee Chairman Nathan Deal (R-GA), and supported by a bipartisan majority of Committee members, ensuring that the new coverage options given to states include the services of Federally-qualified health centers.

NACHC Vice President for Federal, State, and Public Affairs Dan Hawkins noted that, "The Deal Amendment is crucial to the viability of health centers all across America and their ability to continue caring for millions of Medicaid beneficiaries as well as millions of uninsured health center patients. We are extremely grateful to Rep. Deal and to so many other Committee Members who supported this amendment." NACHC worked with Reps. Chip Pickering (R-MS), Ed Towns (D-NY), Ed Whitfield (R-KY), Fred Upton (R-MI), John Shimkus (R-IL), Vito Fosella (R-NY), Charlie Bass (R-NH), Michael Burgess (R-TX), Tim Murphy (R-PA), Heather Wilson (R-NM), Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Gene Green (D-TX), and Jay Inslee (D-WA) on the health center language.

Hawkins went on to say, "Rep. Deal's amendment will lessen significantly the potential damage that could result from the Committee's Medicaid reform bill. However, even with the amendment, we continue to have significant concerns with a number of the bill's provisions, including the broad benefit flexibility provision and substantial changes in Medicaid cost-sharing rules. These provisions are designed to save costs, but they would do precisely the opposite. Why? Because low-income Americans will have less access to the vital preventive and primary health care services they need, boosting the chances that they will wait to seek care until they are sicker and require more costly care. And when Medicaid patients seek costlier health care, everyone pays. If that happens, it could undermine another positive provision in the bill, whose aim is to work with health centers and other providers to help reduce the inappropriate use of high-cost hospital emergency rooms for basic medical care."

The Senate Finance Committee is also considering Medicaid reform legislation that does not currently include provisions increasing state flexibility or cost-sharing such as those found in the House Committee's bill.

Two Prison Inmates Indicted on FEMA Fraud Charges, Says Justice Department

To: National Desk

Contact: Donald W. Washington, 337-262-6618, Bill Flanagan, 318-676-3600, both of the U.S Attorney's Office of the Western District of Louisiana

SHREVEPORT, La., Oct. 27 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Two female inmates housed at the Avoyelles Women's Correctional Facility in Cottonport, Louisiana, have each been indicted by a federal grand jury for claiming to be hurricane victims in order to fraudulently obtain FEMA relief funds, United States Attorney Donald W. Washington announced.

Two separate indictments were returned charging AMBER LYNN WILLIAMS, age 24, and SHERRI LEE DAVIS, age 47, each charged with one count of theft of public money and one count of mail fraud.

WILLIAMS applied for FEMA disaster relief funds from prison falsely claiming that her primary residence in New Orleans, Louisiana had been damaged. Based on the registration, FEMA mailed WILLIAMS a check in the amount of $2,000 for housing assistance.

SHERRI LEE DAVIS similarly applied for FEMA disaster relief funds claiming that her primary residence, which she rents in New Orleans, Louisiana, had been damaged. Based on the registration, FEMA mailed DAVIS a $2,000 check for housing assistance and a $2,358 check as a rental assistance benefit.

WILLIAMS and DAVIS both requested that their checks be mailed to them at the Avoyelles Women's Correctional Facility, rather than having FEMA deposit them into their bank account. When the checks arrived at the facility, officials there intercepted the checks.

WILLIAMS and DAVIS are scheduled to make their initial appearances before United States Magistrate Judge James Kirk in U.S. District Court on November 21, 2005.

If convicted, both defendants face a maximum of 10 years in prison on the charge of theft, 20 years on the charge of mail fraud, and a $250,000 fine.

An indictment is merely an accusation and a defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty. Defendants are entitled to a presumption of innocence under the law, and the government has the burden of proving every element of the charges beyond a reasonable doubt.

Sentencing in federal court is determined by the discretion of federal judges and the governing statute. United States Sentencing Guidelines established by the United States Congress and the United States Sentencing Commission are only used as guidelines by the judge in determining the appropriate sentence. Parole has been abolished in the federal system.

In September 2005, Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales created the Hurricane Katrina Fraud Task Force, designed to deter, investigate and prosecute disaster-related federal crimes such as charity fraud, identity theft, procurement fraud and insurance fraud. The Hurricane Katrina Fraud Task Force -- chaired by Assistant Attorney General Alice S. Fisher of the Criminal Division -- includes members from the FBI, the Federal Trade Commission, the Postal Inspector's Office and the Executive Office of United States Attorneys, among others.

If anyone has information concerning possible fraud being committed during the post-Katrina recovery effort, please call either the DHS-OIG Fraud Hotline at 1-866-720-5721 or the FBI Fraud Hotline at 1-800-225-5324.

These arrests were the result of a joint investigation by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Office of Inspector General, the U.S. Postal Inspector, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. These cases are being prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney Alexander Van Hook.

For further information, please contact United States Attorney Donald W. Washington at 337-262-6618 or First Assistant U.S. Attorney Bill Flanagan at 318-676-3600.

This and other press releases issued by the United States Attorney's Office for the Western District of Louisiana can be found at our website at

DNC: Bush Pioneer Indicted in the Latest Addition to the Republican's Culture of Corruption Files

To: State Desk

Contact: Damien LaVera of the Democratic National Committee, 202-863-8148

WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Scandal-plagued Republican campaign contributor and Bush Pioneer Tom Noe was indicted today on three counts of laundering money to President Bush's reelection campaign. Noe contributed more than $105,000 to Republicans, including President Bush and Ohio's Republican Governor Bob Taft.

Democratic National Committee Communications Director Karen Finney issued the following statement:

"Tom Noe is a prime example of the culture of corruption that President Bush and his special interest cronies have fostered in Washington and state capitals across the country. Having apparently mismanaged $13 million from Ohio's state pension fund, Noe funneled at least $50,000 in taxpayer money to President Bush's re-election campaign to buy access to White House strategy sessions.

"America deserves better. Democrats are committed to fighting for real ethics reforms that provide the American people the honest and ethical government they deserve. Maybe now that Noe has been indicted, President Bush will join us in that effort by finally giving back all of the tainted money that Noe raised for his campaign."

For the full file on Noe, go to:

Pelosi: Republican Lawsuit Abuse Reduction Legislation Seeks to Protect Their Special Interests Friends

To: National Desk

Contact: Brendan Daly or Jennifer Crider, 202-226-7616, both of the Office of House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi

WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 /U.S. Newswire/ -- House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi spoke on the House floor today in opposition to H.R. 420, the so-called "Lawsuit Abuse Reduction Act," which benefits Republican special interests and undermines civil rights plaintiffs. Below are Pelosi's remarks:

"Mr. Chairman, here we go again. The madness continues. Once again, the Republicans must prove that they are the handmaidens of the special interests by putting this bill on the floor today. Just when we should be talking about creating good jobs for the American people, expanding access to quality health care, broadening opportunity in education, having a strong national defense, and doing it all in a fiscally sound way, the Republicans are wasting the time of this Congress and testing the patience of the American people with legislation that is frivolous.

"It is something that is another reflection of the culture of cronyism that exists under the Republican leadership in Washington, D.C.

"This legislation before us again seeks to protect their friends. The outrageous venue provisions in the Republican bill give defendant corporations special advantages by overriding state minimum-contact provisions and limiting the locations in which a suit can be brought, and could render foreign corporations out of reach of the American justice system.

"Today, we will take the opportunity to address the Republican culture of cronyism. The gentleman from Georgia, Mr. Barrow, will be offering a motion to recommit to make sure that politically connected cronies and no-bid contractors that defraud and cheat the government in providing goods and service after a natural disaster will never again be able to use these special breaks. They should never be used by government contractors that specifically intend to profit excessively from the disaster.

"Mr. Chairman, I really want to congratulate the gentleman from Wisconsin, Congressman Kind, and the gentleman from California, Congressman Schiff, for putting together an excellent substitute to get rid of loopholes in the Republican bill that favors big corporate interests and foreign corporations, and the substitute also protects civil rights claims.

"We all agree that if there are frivolous lawsuits, those who bring them should pay a price. We will have 'three strikes you are out' for doing that, which is a very important provision in the substitute. The substitute seeks to stop the madness that exists on the floor of this House when it is used as a venue to promote the special interests in our country.

"We must stand up for the American people, not for the politically connected cronies who are getting a no-bid contract. Let us take a stand to end this culture of cronyism and corruption. Let us get back to the real issues that are affecting the American people.

"We must vote for this substitute and send this bill back to ensure that no one who defrauds the American people during natural disasters is ever permitted to take undue advantage of our legal system."

A-flat minor

Show me a piano falling down a mineshaft and I'll show you A-flat minor!

Vanderbilt Research Finds U.S. Assistance for Democracy Building Works

To: International Desk, Education Reporter

Contact: Ann Marie Deer Owens, 615-322-NEWS (6397) or ; or Leigh Ann Wojciechowski, 412-624-4238 or

NASHVILLE, Oct. 27 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Devoting American dollars to democracy building in more than 100 foreign nations has resulted in significant increases in democratic governance around the globe, according to a new study by Vanderbilt University and University of Pittsburgh professors. The study was presented Oct. 27 at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, D.C.

"We found that when the United States spends money to promote democracy in foreign countries, it works," said Mitchell Seligson, Centennial Professor of Political Science and a fellow of the Center for the Americas at Vanderbilt.

"Unlike all prior published research, our data set is based upon an exhaustive survey of the entire democracy portfolio of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) since the end of the Cold War," Seligson said. The study, titled "Effects of U.S. Foreign Assistance on Democracy Building: Results of a Cross-National Quantitative Study," also differs from most previous ones by covering virtually all nations eligible for foreign assistance, and it uses a sophisticated statistical model to draw its conclusions. Another difference is that this grant measured the specific impact of spending on democracy building, rather than the impact of all types of U.S. foreign assistance on increasing democracy

The quantitative study, which covers the entire post-Cold War period from 1990 through 2003, found USAID spending on its "Democracy and Governance" programs had a significant positive impact on democracy. The study also found that the limited amounts of money spent produced only a limited impact on democratic growth. Researchers used data from Freedom House, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that promotes democratic values as one of several measures of each country's level of democracy. Seligson and his University of Pittsburgh colleagues Steve Finkel and Anibal Perez-Linan found that for every 10 million additional dollars of U.S. democracy assistance, a country is predicted to be one-quarter of a point higher on the Freedom House general democracy index, which ranges from two to 14.

The only negative impact the study found for U.S. assistance for democracy building was in the area of human rights. Seligson said there are probable explanations for the correlation between U.S. foreign aid for human rights and reports of increased human rights violations.

"It is quite possible that when the U.S. government gives money to foreign non-governmental human rights organizations, it emboldens them to report or publicize the extent of human rights problems to a greater degree."

Seligson was the principal investigator for the grant from the Association Liaison Office for University Cooperation in Development, a consortium that includes the American Association of Universities and the American Council on Higher Education. The grant was made in cooperation with USAID, the major contributor to democracy promotion worldwide.

The full study will be available by Nov. 30 at .

Snowe Concerned Sarbanes-Oxley Could Impede Small Business Job Growth and Competitiveness

To: National Desk

Contact: Chris Chichester of the Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 202-228-5843

WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 /U.S. Newswire/ -- In a letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox, U.S. Sen. Olympia J. Snowe (R-Maine), chair of the Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, today expressed strong concern that the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 will create unintended burdens on small businesses that will hurt job creation, competitiveness, access to capital, and their ability to continue as publicly traded companies.

Last year Senator Snowe and Senator Michael Enzi asked the Government Accountability Office to study the Act's effects on small businesses, and to determine if the Act places a disproportionate compliance burden on small businesses. This important study will be available by year end.

Sen. Snowe wrote:

"In 2002 Congress enacted the Sarbanes Oxley-Act, which I supported, in response to abusive corporate accounting practices . . .

"While the Act has improved publicly traded companies' corporate governance, I believe strongly that it is necessary to consider whether the Act is creating unintended burdens on small businesses. For example, there is evidence that Section 404 of the Act imposes dis-proportionately high compliance costs on small companies in comparison to large companies. These high costs can eliminate small businesses' profitability and threaten their survival. I am particularly concerned that some of the Act's provisions are diverting many small business owners' focus, and limited resources, away from innovation and growth opportunities and towards a concentration on documenting accounting measures and internal controls. While compliance and controls are needed, the SEC must strike an appropriate balance for small companies . . .

"In order to gauge the depth of the small business involvement in the regulatory process, I would like the SEC to respond to the following questions:

"1. What steps are the SEC taking to facilitate ongoing communication between the SEC, the Advisory Committee, and small public companies that are affected by SEC regulations?

"2. After the Advisory Committee publishes its findings, how will the SEC assure that going forward the views and concerns of small businesses are considered during the regulatory formation process?

"3. How is the SEC working with organizations like the Committee of Sponsoring Organization of the Treadway Commission (COSO) and the Financial Accounting Standards Board, as well as others, to coordinate small business regulatory standards and issue timely and practical guidance to small companies?

"4. What is the SEC's opinion of tiered compliance and regulatory measures that would impose a lower compliance burden on the smallest public companies, with compliance and regulatory requirements increasing as company size increases?

"I am confident that this thorough study will enable the SEC to protect investors without imposing a regulatory burden that impedes small business growth, innovation, and efficiency. I look forward to working with the SEC to strengthen the vitality of small companies and am grateful for your attention to this request. I would appreciate a reply to this letter by November 18, 2005."

Sen. Snowe applauded yesterday's action by COSO in releasing for public comment new guidance that would address the needs of smaller businesses in fulfilling the requirements of Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

Haney Family Offers to Cover Stadium Cost Overruns for D.C.; Bid for Nationals Includes Financial Commitment for Anacostia Ballpark

To: Metro and Sports desks

Contact: Bill Mashek, 202-354-8275

WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Underscoring his commitment to the future of baseball and Washington, D.C., District businessman Franklin L. Haney today presented City officials with a commitment to pay the cost overruns for the construction of a state-of-the-art ballpark along the Anacostia River if he and his family are selected by Major League Baseball to be the owner of the Nationals.

"As possible team owners we view it as very important that the new stadium be completed as presently planned and scheduled," Franklin Haney wrote in a letter sent to Mayor Anthony Williams. "We also think it is important that the stadium be build in an attractive destination area such as the Anacostia site."

Haney estimates the actual land acquisition and construction costs of the Anacostia ballpark could be $150 to $200 million over budget. Factors for the cost overruns include inflation, increased steel and concrete prices in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, uncertainties regarding the cost of environmental remediation, site acquisition, relocation and rising interest rates.

Haney is proposing that if his bid for the Nationals is successful, he would join in a public-private partnership with the City to develop a ballpark at the Anacostia site of the quality and vision outlined by the City. In his letter, Haney stated, "All costs above the originally budgeted $535 million would be our responsibility to finance without recourse to revenues dedicated to the City."

"Because of these project overruns, there has been talk of moving the ballpark to the current site of Robert F. Kennedy Stadium. That would be a mistake," Haney stated and would "not be in the best interests of the team, its fans, Major League Baseball, or the people who live in the RFK neighborhood."

"When the business community agreed to a financing plan for the new ballpark that included increases in certain business taxes, we did so because of our support not only for baseball in the district," Haney wrote, "but also because we believe that the re-vitalization of Southeast is important for the continued growth and vitality of our City."

In return for financing any cost overruns of the Anacostia ballpark, Haney would request to be named co-developer of the ballpark and be given sufficient control over contracting in conjunction with the City to control costs while still assuring quality.

In addition, the Haneys would seek to be awarded the development rights in the Ballpark District following the Anacostia Waterfront Corporation's Request For Expressions of Interest so that an integrated development plan could be pursued to control costs -- or that they be awarded the right to purchase enough land in the Ballpark District to be able to develop the baseball related retail, museum, hotels and parking.

"Our proposal on the Ballpark District, as well as our effort to purchase the team, evidences that we are committed to baseball in the Nation's Capital in the long-run, not just to make a quick profit by selling the team," Haney said in his letter. Haney, his wife Emeline, and three of their five adult children live in Washington, D.C.

Haney is the founder and chairman of the Franklin L. Haney Company, LLC, a privately owned and Washington-based full service real estate financing and development firm. Haney's company has joined with Berger Devine Yeager, Inc., The Louis Berger Group, Inc., AEPA Architects Engineers, and Merrill Lynch to bid on the Anacostia Waterfront Corporation development area.

Haney presented his offer to MLB Commissioner Bud Selig yesterday. A copy of a letter Mr. Haney sent to all City Councilmembers is attached to this release.

American Medical Association Media Briefing 'Diabetes: Understanding & Advancements'

To: Assignment Desk, Medical and Health reporters

Contact: American Medical Association Media Relations, 312-464-2410 or

News Advisory:

More than 6 percent of the population in the United States has been diagnosed with diabetes. Experts say the actual percentage may be much higher because many cases go unrecognized. Current research indicates that education, disease management and a healthy lifestyle may delay and even prevent the onset of diabetes and its resulting complications. Join leading experts in the field as they discuss these findings and the latest advances in treatment.

WHERE: The Millennium Broadway Hotel, 145 West 44th St., New York

DIAL-IN: Media who cannot attend in person can register and listen to the press conference via a toll-free number: 800-946-0774. The password to enter the call is: 4315085. Electronic versions of the presentations will be available during the briefing and for a limited time afterward at

WHEN: Thursday, Oct. 27, 2005, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

MORE INFO: AMA Media Relations, 312-464-2410 or

Briefing Topics

-- Breaking News from the journal Pediatric Diabetes: New research helps physicians determine who's most at risk for type 1 diabetes-and how quickly the disease may develop.

-- Treating Diabetes: Today and in the Future:

o Today: Revolutionary treatments, such as insulin inhalers and oral medications, transfer successfully into the clinical setting.

o The Future: Now in clinical trials, islet-cell transplantation may eliminate the need for insulin treatments in diabetics.

-- Gaining Control of Diabetes-Associated Complications:

Heart problems are the most common reasons people with diabetes end up hospitalized, and they are also more likely to suffer from kidney disease, eyesight conditions and foot problems. Treating diabetes involves preventing and managing these conditions as well.

-- Gestational Diabetes:

What does it mean for expectant mothers and their offspring? Treatment and post-delivery monitoring may reduce the risk for type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

(Supported with educational funding from Novo Nordisk.)

Jordan Cancels Antisemitic TV Series, Following Protest by 24 U.S. Rabbis

To: National and International desks

Contact: David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies, 215-635-5622,

MELROSE PARK, Pa., Oct. 27 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The government of Jordan has agreed to cancel an antisemitic television series after receiving a letter of protest from 24 American rabbis who had met last month with Jordan's king.

The letter of protest was organized by The David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies. "During the 1930s, too many Americans were silent in the face of rising antisemitism, with tragic results," said Wyman Institute director Dr. Rafael Medoff. "Our generation must not repeat that error. We must speak out against antisemitism today, whenever and wherever it erupts."

The rabbis' letter was sent to the Jordanian Embassy in Washington, D.C., on October 24, 2005. Two days later, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported the Jordanian Embassy's announcement (on Oct. 26) that the series has been cancelled, noting that "a group of rabbis that had met with Jordanian King Abdullah II in September wrote the king a letter urging him to stop the broadcasts."

Those who signed the letter of protest included Rabbi David Saperstein, director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, and Rabbi Charles A. Kroloff, vice-president of Reform Judaism's Hebrew Union College. Orthodox, Conservative, and Reconstructionist rabbis also signed the letter.

The antisemitic television series, called "Al-Shatat," portrays Jews conspiring to assassinate world leaders, cause stock market crashes, and provoke world wars, as part of a plan to conquer the world, based on the notorious antisemitic forgery, "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion." One episode depicts Jews murdering a Christian child in order to use his blood for Passover matzos. Another episode shows Jewish leaders helping the Nazis slaughter Europe's Jews, in order to win world sympathy for Zionism.

The 29-part series had been running on the Al-Mamnou television channel in Jordan. In recent years, the series was also aired on Hezbollah's Al-Manar Television and on Iranian Television.

In their letter to Jordan's king, the twenty-four rabbis wrote: "We fear that these horrifying libels could incite viewers to hatred and even violence. Jordanian citizens, especially young people, should not be inculcated with such messages and images, which undermine your noble efforts to promote peace ... Your Majesty, the words you spoke at our meeting last month gave us hope. Please do not allow Al-Mamnou to shatter that hope by broadcasting incitement to hatred."

The letter also suggested that Jordanian Television should air the Holocaust movie "Schindler's List," which Jordan and other Arab countries refused to show when it came out, in 1994.


The text of the letter, and the full list of signatories, follows:

October 24, 2005

His Royal Highness Abdullah II

Embassy of Jordan

Washington, D.C. (via fax 202-966-3110)

Your Majesty:

We were among the rabbis who had the privilege of meeting with you at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Washington, D.C., last month, and hearing your moving words of peace and brotherhood.

Rare is the leader who has the courage to speak the way you did. Your impassioned condemnation of terrorists as "violent and ignorant extremists" sent a powerful message to the enemies of peace. Your stirring call to Muslims and Jews to "honor our common heritage" filled us with hope of a better future for all our children, Muslim and Jewish alike.

It is precisely because of our concern for the future of our children that we are writing to express our surprise and dismay at the news(a) that the Al-Mamnou television channel in Jordan has begun airing the 29-part series "Al-Shatat." This hate- filled series, which in recent years was broadcast on Hezbollah's Al-Manar Television and on Iranian Television, portrays Jews conspiring to assassinate world leaders, cause stock market crashes, and provoke world wars, as part of a plan to conquer the world, based on the notorious antisemitic forgery, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. One episode depicts Jews murdering a Christian child in order to use his blood for Passover matzos. Another episode shows Jewish leaders helping the Nazis slaughter Europe's Jews, in order to win world sympathy for Zionism.

We fear that these horrifying libels could incite viewers to hatred and even violence. Jordanian citizens, especially young people, should not be inculcated with such messages and images, which undermine your noble efforts to promote peace.

We believe that Jordanian television should be a vehicle to facilitate the goals of interfaith conciliation and understanding that you articulated at our meeting. Television programs about the Jewish people should reflect a sense of responsibility and maturity. Programs concerning the Holocaust should exhibit sensitivity and teach viewers important lessons about moral choices, such as those contained in the movie "Schindler's List."

Your Majesty, the words you spoke at our meeting last month gave us hope. Please do not allow Al-Mamnou to shatter that hope by broadcasting incitement to hatred.


Rabbi Jeffrey Bienenfeld; Young Israel of St. Louis; St. Louis, MI

Rabbi Fred Scherlinder Dobb; Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation; Bethesda, MD

Rabbi Ronne Friedman; Senior Rabbi; Temple Israel, Boston, MA

Rabbi Dr. Gershon C. Gewirtz; Young Israel of Brookline; Brookline, MA

Rabbi Steven M. Glazer; Congregation Beth Emeth; Herndon, VA

Rabbi Leonard Gordon; Germantown Jewish Centre; Philadelphia, PA

Rabbi Susan Grossman; Beth Shalom Congregation; Columbia, MD

Rabbi Joshua Gutoff; The William Davidson School of Jewish Education; New York City

Rabbi Joshua O. Haberman; Washington Hebrew Congregation; Washington, DC

Rabbi Marc D. Israel; Director of Education and Congregational Programming; Ohr Kodesh Congregation; Chevy Chase, MD

Rabbi Bruce E. Kahn; Executive Director; Equal Rights Center; Washington, DC

Rabbi Charles A. Kroloff; Vice President; Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion

Rabbi Bernard H. Mehlman; Senior Scholar; Temple Israel, Boston, MA

Rabbi Avis D. Miller; Adas Israel Congregation; Washington, DC

Rabbi David Saperstein, Director ; Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism; Washington, DC

Rabbi Sid Schwarz, Founder & President; PANIM: The Institute for Jewish Leadership and Values; Rockville, MD

Rabbi Ethan Seidel; Tifereth Israel Congregation; Washington, DC

Rabbi Yakov Travis; Siegal College of Jewish Studies; Cleveland, OH

Rabbi Mohe Waldoks; Temple Beth Zion; Brookline, MA

Rabbi Stuart Weinblatt; Congregation B'nai Tzedek; Potomac, MD

Rabbi Avi Weinstein; Director of Jewish Studies; Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School, Upper School; Rockville, MD

Rabbi Jeffrey Wohlberg; Senior Rabbi, Adas Israel Congregation; Washington, DC

Rabbi Mitchell Wohlberg; Beth Tfiloh Congregation; Baltimore, MD ;


(In addition, Rabbi Avi Shafran of Agudath Israel has sent a separate letter of protest to King Abdullah II.)

(Institutions listed for identification purposes only.)


Note a: As reported by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), http://www.

ABOUT THE WYMAN INSTITUTE: The David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies, located on the campus of Gratz College (near Philadelphia), is a research and education institute focusing on America's response to the Holocaust. It is named in honor of the eminent historian and author of the 1984 best-seller The Abandonment of the Jews, the most important and influential book concerning the U.S. response to the Nazi genocide.

The Institute's Advisory Committee includes Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Elie Wiesel, Members of Congress, and other luminaries. Its Academic Council includes more than 50 leading professors of the Holocaust, American history, and Jewish history. The Institute's Arts & Letters Council, chaired by Cynthia Ozick, includes prominent artists, writers, musicians, and filmmakers. For a complete list, please visit

Embassy of Jordan Statement on 'Al-Shatat' Program

To: National and International desks, Television Writer

Contact: Merissa Khurma of Embassy of Jordan, 202-265-1606

WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The following was released today by the Embassy of Jordan on the program 'Al Shatat':

Embassy of Jordan -- Washington, D.C.

Information Bureau

Official Statement

It has come to our attention that a controversial program entitled "Al-Shatat" or "The Diaspora" has been broadcast from an independent/private channel entitled "Al-Mamnou" operating from the Media Free Zone in Jordan, which is not subject to Jordanian Law.

The Media Free Zone can lease broadcasting stations, studios and related technical services without prior consent of the government.

The program itself was not broadcast from any Jordanian channel.

"Al-Shatat" drew concerns for inciting hate. Accordingly, the program has been stopped from the private channel as of Tuesday, October 25th 2005. The termination was only done through personal intervention of responsible Jordanians and after discussions with Mr. Walid Al-Hadeedi, the owner of the "Al-Mamnou'" channel.

The Free Media Zone broadcasts different programs through eighty four different channels and more channels are expected to emerge from the zone in the near future. The Government of Jordan does not monitor or control the content of any program broadcasting from the free zone, be it news, culture, entertainment, sports or any other items. This is in accordance with the agreement signed between the government of Jordan and the Media Free Zone which is, in turn, affiliated with the Arab Media Corporation ART.

Washington Needs to Force Exxon Mobil to Invest Profits in New Refining Capacity, Says FTCR

To: National Desk

Contact: Jamie Court of the Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights, 310-392-0522 ext. 327

SANTA MONICA, Calif., Oct. 27 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The Foundation For Taxpayer and Consumer Rights today called upon the White House and Congress to force Exxon Mobil Corporation to invest some of its 75 percent profit increase during the third quarter in new refining capacity. Exxon Mobil today reported a $100.7 billion in revenue and $9.92 billion in profits, up from $5.68 billion last year.

"This astronomical increase in profits for the world's largest oil company shows that Exxon Mobil has been charging far more for gasoline that its actual productions costs and needs to reinvest a healthy share of those world record profits in desperately needed increased refining capacity," said FTCR president Jamie Court. "The proof of price gouging is in the profit reports. Exxon knows that by making less gasoline it makes more money, now Exxon needs to invest that money in making more gasoline. Neither Exxon nor the industry has opened a new refinery since 1976 because the companies know keeping refined supply low is a recipe for huge profits. If the White House and Congress don't act to force Exxon to invest in refining capacity after Katrina's lessons, the public might as well clean out that tank and refill it with new blood."

FTCR recently released internal oil company memos showing how Mobil and other big oil companies made a decision in the 1990s to reduce refining capacity in order to increase profits. That strategy is now paying off hugely for the companies.

Read the Mobil and other memos at (click on "Internal Memos Show Oil Companies Intentionally Limited Refining Capacity To Drive Up Gasoline Prices")

For more on FTCR, visit

U.S. Census Bureau Facts For Features: The Holiday Season

WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The holiday season, with its many traditions, family gatherings and general good feelings, will soon be upon us. To commemorate this time of year, the U.S. Census Bureau presents the following holiday-related facts and figures from its data collection.

Season's Greetings

1.9 billion -- Number of Christmas cards sent to friends and loved ones every year, making Christmas the largest card-sending occasion in the United States. The second largest is Valentine's Day, with approximately 192 million cards being given. (Source: Hallmark research)

Christmas Trees

20.8 million -- Number of Christmas trees cut around the country in 2002. These trees were located on 21,904 farms spread out across 447,000 acres. Source: USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service at

6.5 million -- Number of Christmas trees cut in Oregon in 2002, making the Beaver State the nation's leader. (There were 2.6 million trees cut in Clackamas County, Ore., alone.) Also topping the one million mark among states were Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Washington and Wisconsin.

Pennsylvania led the nation in the number of Christmas tree farms, with 2,164; Oregon was tops in acres devoted to Christmas tree production, with 67,800. Source: USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service at and

$506 million -- The amount of money the nation's Christmas tree farmers received from tree sales in 2004. Oregon was the top state in tree sales ($143 million), followed by North Carolina, Washington and Michigan. Source: USDA Economic Research Service at

$561 million -- The value of U.S. imports of Christmas tree ornaments from China between January and August 2005. China was the leading country of origin for such items. Similarly, China was the leading foreign source of artificial Christmas trees shipped to the United States ($69 million worth) during the same period. See:

Holiday Names

1,162 -- Population of Christmas, Fla., an unincorporated town. (Source: American FactFinder)

Other places whose names are associated with the holiday season include North Pole, Alaska (population 1,659 in 2004); Santa Claus, Ind. (2,201); Santa Claus, Ga. (238); Noel, Mo. (1,476); and -- if you know about reindeer -- the village of Rudolph, Wis. (418). See:

$291,085 -- The value of U.S. imports between January and August 2005 from Christmas Island, an Australian territory in the Pacific Ocean, south of Hawaii. Perhaps some of these were "Christmas gifts from Christmas Island." See:

Holiday Shopping -- The December Rush

The holiday season is critical for retailers. How critical? Well, here are some examples using the most recent Census Bureau data available. Note that the estimates that follow have not been adjusted to account for seasonal or pricing variations.

$31.9 billion -- Retail sales by the nation's department stores (including leased departments) in December 2004. This represented a 54 percent jump from the previous month (when retail sales, many Christmas-related, registered $20.8 billion). No other month-to-month increase in department store sales last year was as large.

Other U.S. retailers with sizable jumps in sales between November and December 2004 were clothing stores (48 percent); jewelry stores (170 percent); book stores (100 percent); sporting goods stores (63 percent); and radio, TV and other electronics stores (58 percent). See:

15 percent -- The proportion of total 2004 sales for department stores (including leased departments) that took place in December. For jewelry stores, the percentage was 24 percent. See:

24 percent -- The proportion of growth in inventories by our nation's department stores (excluding leased departments) between the end of August and the end of November 2004. Thanks to the holiday crowds, inventories plummeted by 23 percent in the year's final month. See:

1.8 million -- The number of people employed at department stores in December 2004. Retail employment typically swells during the holiday season, last year rising by 50,900 from November and 195,500 from October. See:


$21.5 billion -- The value of total retail e-commerce sales for the fourth quarter of 2004. This amount, represented 2.3 percent of total retail sales over the period and exceeded e-commerce sales for all other quarters of the year. E-commerce sales were up 24 percent from the fourth quarter of 2003. See:

32 percent -- The percentage of adults who shopped online in 2003, up from 2 percent in 1997. No doubt many of these customers were doing some holiday shopping at some point during the year. See:

Where are Christmas Gifts Made?

124 -- Number of establishments around the country that primarily manufactured dolls and stuffed toys in 2003; they employed 2,123 people. California led the nation with 19 such locations, and Vermont employed the most, 670. See:

733 -- The number of locations that primarily produced games, toys and children's vehicles in 2003; they employed 16,996 workers. California led the nation with 118 establishments and in the number of people they employed, 2,581. See:

$3.9 billion -- Total value of shipments for dolls, toys and games by manufacturers in 2003. See:

$656 million -- The value of U.S. imports of stuffed toys (excluding dolls) from China between January and August 2005. China was the leading country of origin for stuffed toys coming into this country, as well as for a number of other popular holiday gifts that were imported. These include electric trains ($71 million); puzzles ($48 million); roller skates ($44 million); sports footwear ($204 million); golf equipment ($43 million); and basketballs ($26 million). Canada was the leading supplier of ice skates ($7 million). See:

Where Holiday Gifts are Purchased

16,049 -- The number of electronic shopping and mail-order houses in business in 2003. These businesses, which employed 264,868 workers, are a popular source of holiday gifts. Their sales: $131 billion, of which 31 percent were attributable to e-commerce. California led the nation in the number of these establishments and their employees, with 2,493 and 32,665, respectively. See: and

If you're not sure where to do your shopping, choices of retail establishments abound: In 2003, there were 148,012 clothing and clothing accessories stores; 9,366 department stores; 10,274 hobby, toy and game shops; 34,287 gift, novelty and souvenir shops; 22,410 sporting goods stores; 28,527 jewelry stores; and 11,036 book stores.

47,835 -- The number of malls and shopping centers dotting the U.S. landscape as of 2004, a total that had increased by approximately 10,000 since 1990. (Source: Upcoming 2006 Statistical Abstract)

Winter Wonderland

6.8 million -- The number of Americans who say they downhill-ski more than once a year. Other popular winter sports are cross-country skiing (1.9 million), ice hockey (1.8 million) and snowboarding (6.3 million). (Source: Upcoming 2006 Statistical Abstract)

Following is a list of observances typically covered by the Census Bureau's Facts for Features series:

African-American History Month (February)

Valentine's Day (Feb. 14)

Women's History Month (March)

St. Patrick's Day (March 17)

Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15 - Oct. 15)

Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month (May)

Older Americans Month (May)

Mother's Day (May 8)

Father's Day (June 19

The Fourth of July (July 4)

Anniversary of Americans with Disabilities Act (July 26)

Back to School (August)

Labor Day (Sept. 5)

Grandparents Day (Sept. 11)

Halloween (Oct. 31)

American Indian/Alaska Native Heritage Month (November)

Veterans Day (Nov. 11)

Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 24)

The Holiday Season (December)


EDITOR'S NOTE: The preceding data were collected from a variety of sources and may be subject to sampling variability and other sources of error. Questions or comments should be directed to the Census Bureau's Public Information Office: telephone: 301-763-3030; fax: 301-457-3670; or e-mail:

Conservatives Praise President Bush, Harriet Miers for Putting the Country and the Court First

WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Americans for Better Justice, who launched a campaign to encourage President Bush to withdraw the nomination of Harriet Miers to the United States Supreme Court made the following statement:

"We applaud Harriet Miers' self-sacrificing decision to step aside and President Bush for accepting her withdrawal. We support the president and his commitment to appoint a well- qualified jurist with a clear and consistent commitment to constitutional principle.

"This is now a time for conservatives to reunite behind the President as he faces vital challenges at home and abroad and as he works to select a new nominee whom conservatives can endorse.

"We thank all the generous and public-spirited Americans across the country who made their voices heard throughout this difficult process. We believe this debate has strengthened the conservative movement and has served both this President and the Supreme Court."

David Frum, former Bush speech writer is one of the primary spokesmen for the Americans for Better Justice along with longtime conservative columnists and activists Mona Charen, Linda Chavez and Virginia Postrel.

Through the website supporters have pledged money, signed a petition, review information on Harriet Miers and sent e-mail message to Senators.

To schedule an interview with an Americans for Better Justice spokesperson, please contact Diana Banister or Kevin McVicker at 703-739-5920.

Pelosi Statement on Harriet Miers' Withdrawal as United States Supreme Court Nominee

WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 /U.S. Newswire/ -- House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement today in response to Harriet Miers' withdrawal of her nomination for United States Supreme Court Justice:

"The withdrawal of Harriet Miers' nomination to the Supreme Court raises the question: who is in charge here? Initially, questions were raised of whether she was independent of the President. Now the question is how independent of the radical right-wing agenda will the next appointment be.

"The American people want nominees to the Supreme Court to be people with the highest qualifications and independence, who are committed to upholding the Constitution, not to any political agenda. The President should look for these qualities when making his next appointment."

Pelosi Statement on Death of 2,000th Soldier in Iraq

WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 /U.S. Newswire/ -- House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement today on reports this week that the death toll for United States soldiers in Iraq has reached 2,000:

"This week marks a sad milestone for our country. Reports that the 2,000th soldier has been killed in Iraq are a tragedy for our entire country. Certainly it is a tragedy for every family affected. We mourn with the families who lost their spouses, children, brothers and sisters, or their loved ones. I hope it is a comfort to them that our country respects the sacrifice that was made, the patriotism that was demonstrated, and the courage that these soldiers had for our country.

"In addition to the loss of life, there have been more than 15,000 troops who have been wounded in Iraq, many of them permanently. They have tremendous needs and we must be there for them. In the military there is a saying, 'On the battlefield, leave no soldier behind.' The same holds true for these veterans when they come home. That's why I think this sad milestone is an appropriate time to reiterate our support for the troops who fought and continue to fight so courageously.

"Earlier this year, Democrats introduced the G.I. Bill of Rights for the 21st Century. It addresses health care for veterans, jobs, education, and meeting the needs of America's military families. It was endorsed by the American Legion, Disabled American Veterans, and other veterans groups.

"All of this happens at a time when we are considering another budget bill. Republicans are suggesting an across the board cut of 2 percent, which would have a negative impact on our veterans, reducing the benefits they have earned with their courageous service to our country. Democrats want to be sure that Republicans leave no veteran behind."

Public Advocate of the United States Statement on Miers' Withdrawal

WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The following is the statement of Public Advocate President Eugene Delgaudio on the withdrawal of Harriet Miers:

"Public Advocate applauds the courage of White House Council Harriet Miers in withdrawing her nomination to the Supreme Court.

"It is essential that the President now appoint a true originalist, in the mold of Scalia and Thomas, to fill the O'Connor vacancy as soon as possible. We hope that this nominee, regardless of race, sex, or ethnicity, has a proven, rock solid record as an originalist so we can get behind him or her just as quickly as we opposed the Miers nomination.

"While we know that the Senate liberals will vigorously fight any nominee who respects the Constitution as the founders meant in to be interpreted, conservatives are ready to fight even harder to save our Republic from judicial activists. Liberals find themselves constantly in the minority as they continuously fail to win through our democratic process; therefore the only hope for implementing their radical agenda is through activist judges.

"It is essential that the Kennedy-Schumer clan in the Senate must be stopped in their attempt to bully the President into another David Souter, Anthony Kennedy, Sandra Day O'Connor, or John Paul Stevens. Instead the President should appoint a nominee that will unite Americans who share the founder's vision for a Republic where the legislature makes laws through the democratic process and the Courts interpret them."


Public Advocate of the United States was the first group to openly oppose the Miers nomination. Delgaudio predicted the conservative backlash that occurred with the appointment in an interview published in the Philadelphia Inquirer the week leading up to the nomination. The Virginia based non-profit group has been fighting for Family Rights for over 25 years.

Text of Miers's Letter to President Bush

Dear Mr. President:

I write to withdraw as a nominee to serve as an Associate Justice on the Supreme Court of the United States. I have been greatly honored and humbled by the confidence that you have shown in me and have appreciated immensely your support and the support of many others. However, I am concerned that the confirmation process presents a burden for the White House and our staff that is not in the best interest of the country.

As you know, members of the Senate have indicated their intention to seek documents about my service in the White House in order to judge whether to support me. I have been informed repeatedly that in lieu of records, I would be expected to testify about my service in the White House to demonstrate my experience and judicial philosophy. While I believe that my lengthy career provides sufficient evidence for consideration of my nomination, I am convinced the efforts to obtain Executive Branch materials and information will continue.


As I stated in my acceptance remarks in the Oval Office, the strength and independence of our three branches of government are critical to the continued success of this great Nation. Repeatedly in the course of the process of confirmation for nominees for other positions, I have steadfastly maintained that the independence of the executive Branch be preserved and its confidential documents and information not be released to further a confirmation process. I feel compelled to adhere to this position, especially related to my own nomination. Protection of the prerogatives of the Executive Branch and continued pursuit of my confirmation are in tension. I have decided that seeking my confirmation should yield.


I share your commitment to appointing judges with a conservative judicial philosophy, and I look forward to continuing to support your efforts to provide the American people judges who will interpret the law, not make it. I am most grateful for the opportunity to have served your Administration and this country.


Most respectfully,

Harriet Ellan Miers



The President


The White House


Washington D.C. 20502


Scan of the original letter can be found here.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Fact Sheet: President Bush Outlines An Agenda for Economic Growth

Today's Presidential Action

Today, President Bush Addressed The Economic Club Of Washington D.C. And Discussed His Agenda For A Strong And Vibrant Economy. To ensure continued opportunity for America's workers and entrepreneurs, President Bush outlined a pro-growth agenda based on sound economic policy that promotes prosperity, productivity, and innovation in a global economy. He will keep government on the side of economic growth and job creation so America's businesses and workers can compete and prosper.

In The Face Of Challenges, The President Has Acted To Maintain Economic Growth. Over the past five years, the economy has endured the bursting of the stock market bubble, a recession, the attacks of September 11, corporate scandals, rising oil prices, and natural disasters. Each time, the President has acted to keep our economy moving by putting trust in the hard work and good sense of the American people. The President has cut taxes for everybody who pays income taxes, including families, small business owners, farmers, and entrepreneurs.

  • These Pro-Growth Policies Have Delivered Results. Real disposable personal income has increased by nearly $1,900 per capita. Homeownership has reached an all-time high. Productivity is growing at the fastest rate in nearly 40 years. Over the past 28 months, America has created more than 4.2 million new jobs, and the unemployment rate of 5.1 percent is lower than the average of the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s. The Administration's pro-growth policies have helped the United States achieve growth and unemployment rates better than Japan and countries in Europe. Today, when people in these countries look for an economy to invest their savings, they often choose the United States.

While The President's Policies Have Helped Create Jobs, Growth, And Opportunity, There Is More Work To Be Done. The coming decades will be a time of tremendous opportunity, and the Administration is working to ensure every American has a chance to realize the American Dream. The President is moving forward with an ambitious agenda to ensure the economy remains the most free, flexible, and prosperous in the world.

The President's Agenda To Maintain Economic Growth

The Administration Will Continue To Keep Taxes Low And Work To Restrain Federal Spending. Tax relief left more money in the pockets of the American people. Vital to maintaining the economy's momentum, the President has called upon Congress to make tax relief permanent. Tax relief has led to faster economic growth which has translated into faster revenue growth for the Federal Treasury. This year, the deficit was $108 billion less than expected. To continue reducing the deficit, the President has submitted a disciplined budget that proposed an actual cut in spending on non-security discretionary programs and will keep the government on track to cut the deficit in half by 2009. As we help the people of the Gulf Coast rebuild, the President will work with Congress to further reduce unnecessary spending and cut programs that are not working so as to provide for emergency relief in a fiscally responsible way.

The Administration Is Addressing Long-Term Economic Challenges. While our economy has shown remarkable resilience, we must continue to make it more flexible and responsive so that it can meet the needs of a new era. This work begins with confronting three broad challenges that affect all Americans.

  • First, The United States Must Reduce Its Growing Dependence On Foreign Oil. Millions of American families and small businesses are hurting because of higher gasoline prices. The damage inflicted by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita pushed prices even higher by disrupting Gulf Coast oil production. These hurricanes have shown that America's domestic oil production is not keeping pace with rising demand.

    • The President Signed The Energy Bill To Help Provide For The Needs Of A Growing Economy. The energy bill makes an unprecedented commitment to energy conservation and efficiency by promoting smarter technology; helps make cleaner and more productive use of our existing energy resources including coal, nuclear power, oil and natural gas; and helps diversify our energy supply by promoting alternative and renewable energy sources, such as ethanol and biodiesel fuel. The bill also helps promote needed investment in our energy infrastructure. This is a good first step toward a more affordable and reliable supply of energy for American consumers.

    • The Administration Will Continue To Focus On Addressing The Nation's Most Serious Energy Challenges. It is time for Congress to take the next steps, including environmentally responsible oil exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The President will also work with Congress to build and expand needed refineries. For the long term, the Administration is making the investments necessary to move from a hydrocarbon economy to a hydrogen economy, including $1.2 billion for hydrogen fuel cell research.

  • Second, The Nation's Education System Must Prepare A New Generation Of American Workers To Fill The Jobs Of The 21st Century. As a result of the President's No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), standards are higher, national test scores are on the rise, and minority students have made progress toward closing the achievement gap. On this year's tests, fourth grade reading scores were six points higher than in 2000 and fourth grade math scores were the highest in the test's history.

    • To Ensure That American Workers Can Gain The Skills Needed For The Best Jobs, The Government Must Further Strengthen Education And Training. We must extend the high standards and accountability of NCLB to our high schools, encourage the development of more rigorous math and science curricula, bring teachers and other professionals together to share the latest technical knowledge, reform our job training system, and strengthen community colleges. The Administration is providing additional assistance for higher education in the form of Pell Grants so more Americans can afford to attend a four-year college.

  • Third, The United States Must Have A Health Care System That Puts Patients In Charge Of Decisions, Offers Greater Choice, And Allows Workers To Own Their Own Health Care. Rising health care expenses impose large costs on families and businesses and prevent many Americans from getting needed health coverage.

    • To Confront Costs And Create Choices, The Administration Has Created Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) And Proposed Association Health Plans (AHPs). HSAs give Americans affordable coverage for major illnesses and allow them to save money, tax-free, for routine medical expenses. Transferable from job to job, the flexibility and security of HSAs are already benefiting many Americans. To help more people take greater control of their health care, the President has proposed tax relief for individuals, employers, and low-income families to use HSAs. Because more than half of uninsured Americans are small business employees and their families, AHPs will allow small firms to join together and buy insurance at the same discounts that big companies get.

    • The Administration Is Moving Ahead To Reform And Strengthen The Nation s Health Care Safety Net. The government has opened or expanded more than 800 community health centers to improve care for those most in need. The President has renewed the promise of Medicare by signing into law a bill providing our seniors with preventive medicine, better health care choices, and, starting this coming January, a prescription drug benefit option for every Medicare recipient. The Administration is also promoting the expanded use of information technology by computerizing medical records.

    • Government Needs To Address The Junk Lawsuits That Impose A Burden On Our Economy. Frivolous lawsuits help raise the cost of our tort system to more than $240 billion a year, putting honest doctors, workers, and entrepreneurs out of their jobs. Congress took an important step this year when it passed class-action reform. Now the House and Senate need to deliver meaningful asbestos and medical liability reform bills to the President's desk.

The United States Needs To Confront The Long-Term Problems Facing Our Entitlement Programs. The experiences of nations in Europe and elsewhere show that a failure to control entitlement spending can become a drag on the entire economy. The President will continue to insist that Congress address this vital issue and save Social Security for our children and grandchildren.

To Keep The Economy Growing And Creating Jobs, The Government Needs To Continue Opening Foreign Markets To American Products. Today, millions of American jobs depend on exports including about one in every five factory jobs. Our country is home to about 5 percent of the world's population, and that means 95 percent of our potential customers are abroad. American workers can compete with anyone as long as the playing field is level.

  • With Trade Promotion Authority, The President Is Opening Foreign Markets To American Goods, Services And Farm Products. The Administration has completed free trade agreements with 12 nations on five continents for a combined market of 124 million consumers for American products. Earlier this year, the United States completed a free trade agreement with Central American nations and the Dominican Republic, giving our goods and service access to new markets. This agreement will ensure that the system is fair for American manufacturers, farmers, and entrepreneurs.

  • The Administration Is Working For A Free And Fair Global Trading System. Today, we are taking a leadership role in working toward a successful conclusion to the Doha trade negotiations that will reduce and then eliminate tariffs and other barriers on farm and industrial goods. It will phase out unfair agricultural subsidies, open markets for services, and leave all nations better off. Recently, the United States has put forth a bold proposal in the critical area of agriculture to re-energize talks. It is time for other nations to offer similarly ambitious proposals.

  • The Administration Will Continue To Pursue Trade Agreements To Open Markets And Maintain America's Position As The World's Leading Economy. We must break down trade barriers so that American products are welcomed and sold on every continent. By opening new markets overseas, we create more jobs, a higher standard of living, and greater economic growth. It is time to set aside partisan politics and come together on trade to create more opportunities for families and small businesses.