Sunday, October 15, 2006

Sensenbrenner to Introduce Resolution Expelling Ney Immediately

Sensenbrenner: 'Bob Ney Should Resign Immediately and Not Remain in Congress a Moment Longer'
10/13/2006 3:58:00 PM

To: National Desk
Contact: Jeff Lungren or Terry Shawn, 202-225-2492, both for the House Judiciary Committee Chairman F. James Sensenbrenner
WASHINGTON, Oct. 13 /U.S. Newswire/ -- House Judiciary Committee Chairman F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr. (R-Wis.) today announced that he will introduce a resolution expelling Rep. Bob Ney (R-Ohio) immediately from the House of Representatives. Rep. Ney today pled guilty in federal court to making false statements and conspiracy to commit fraud.
"Bob Ney has brought shame to himself and disgraced the Congress by betraying the bond entrusted to him as a public official. No one - Democrat or Republican - should remain a Member of the People's House after being convicted of criminal conduct while in office. Bob Ney should resign immediately and not remain in Congress a moment longer. Therefore, I intend to introduce a resolution expelling Mr. Ney immediately as soon as Congress returns to Washington and will work with my colleagues to achieve this result."
/© 2006 U.S. Newswire 202-347-2770/


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