Thursday, October 27, 2005

Conservatives Praise President Bush, Harriet Miers for Putting the Country and the Court First

WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Americans for Better Justice, who launched a campaign to encourage President Bush to withdraw the nomination of Harriet Miers to the United States Supreme Court made the following statement:

"We applaud Harriet Miers' self-sacrificing decision to step aside and President Bush for accepting her withdrawal. We support the president and his commitment to appoint a well- qualified jurist with a clear and consistent commitment to constitutional principle.

"This is now a time for conservatives to reunite behind the President as he faces vital challenges at home and abroad and as he works to select a new nominee whom conservatives can endorse.

"We thank all the generous and public-spirited Americans across the country who made their voices heard throughout this difficult process. We believe this debate has strengthened the conservative movement and has served both this President and the Supreme Court."

David Frum, former Bush speech writer is one of the primary spokesmen for the Americans for Better Justice along with longtime conservative columnists and activists Mona Charen, Linda Chavez and Virginia Postrel.

Through the website supporters have pledged money, signed a petition, review information on Harriet Miers and sent e-mail message to Senators.

To schedule an interview with an Americans for Better Justice spokesperson, please contact Diana Banister or Kevin McVicker at 703-739-5920.


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