RNC Response to Democrats' 'Newfound Interest' in Addressing the War on Terror; Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi Attempt to Bolster Record
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The following was released today by the Republican National Committee, on the Democrats' 'newfound interest' in addressing the war on terror:
"It's remarkable that four years after 9/11 the party of 'retreat and defeat' has a newfound interest in addressing the War on Terror, which has been President Bush's top priority for years. While Democrats have been busy launching political attacks, President Bush has been waging an aggressive War on Terror that is taking the fight to the enemy and producing real results. The bottom line is Democrat leadership has little credibility, given their track record of voting against measures that would make our country safer."
-- Tracey Schmitt, RNC Press Secretary
Progress In Iraq:
Iraq's GDP Has More Than Quadrupled From 2003. (Nina Kamp, Michael O'Hanlon and Amy Unikewicz, Op-Ed, "The State Of Iraq: An Update," The New York Times, 9/9/05)
The Washington Times: "Iraqi Voter Turnout (For The Constitutional Referendum) Increased From The 58 Percent Who Cast A Ballot In The Jan. 30 Elections For National And Provincial Parliaments To Between 60 And 63 Percent ..." (Editorial, "Positive News From Iraq," The Washington Times, 10/17/05)
Iraqi Security Personnel Have Doubled Since August Of 2004. (Nina Kamp, Michael O'Hanlon And Amy Unikewicz, Op-Ed, "The State Of Iraq: An Update," The New York Times, 9/9/05)
Inflation Along With Unemployment Rates Are Down. (Nina Kamp, Michael O'Hanlon And Amy Unikewicz, Op-Ed, "The State Of Iraq: An Update," The New York Times, 9/9/05)
The Number Of Independent Television Stations Has Doubled. (Nina Kamp, Michael O'Hanlon And Amy Unikewicz, Op-Ed, "The State Of Iraq: An Update," The New York Times, 9/9/05)
Reid And Pelosi Working To Bolster National Security Credentials:
Reports Indicate: "Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) And House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) Are Working Behind The Scenes To Bolster Their Party's National-Security Credentials ..." (Alexander Bolton, "Dems Seek New Tough-Guy Image," The Hill, 5/17/05)
-- According To A Senior Democratic Aide, "Reid Has The Feeling That National Security Is Highly Important." Reid Has Even "(S)pent A Lot Of Time Studying National-Security Issues." (Alexander Bolton, "Dems Seek New Tough-Guy Image," The Hill, 5/17/05)
Reid And Pelosi's National Security Record Needs To Be Bolstered:
In 1995, Reid Voted To Freeze Defense Spending For 7 Years, Slashing Over $34 Billion From Defense. (S. Con. Res. 13, CQ Vote no. 181: Rejected 28-71: R 2-51; D 26-20, 5/24/95, Reid Voted Yea)
In 1995, Reid Voted To Slash FBI Funding By $80 Million. (H.R. 2076, CQ Vote no. 480: Adopted 49-41: R 9-40; D 40-1, 9/29/95, Reid Voted Yea)
Reid Led The Fight Against President Bush's Department Of Homeland Security. (H.R. 5005, CQ Vote no. 218: Motion Rejected 50-49: R 0-48; D 49-1; I 1-0, 9/19/02, Reid Voted Yea; H.R. 5005, CQ Vote no. 225: Motion Rejected 49-49: R 1-47; D 47-2; I 1-0, 9/25/02, Reid Voted Yea; H.R. 5005, CQ Vote no. 226: Motion Rejected 50-49: R 1-48; D 48-1; I 1-0, 9/26/02, Reid Voted Yea; H.R. 5005, CQ Vote no. 227: Motion Rejected 44-53: R 1-46; D 42- 7; I 1-0, 9/26/02, Reid Voted Yea; H.R. 5005, CQ Vote no. 228: Motion Rejected 45-52: R 2-46; D 42-6; I 1-0, 10/1/02, Reid Voted Yea; H.R. 5005, CQ Vote no. 241: Motion Agreed To 50-47: R 48-0; D 1-46; I 1-1, 11/13/02, Reid Voted Nay)
Pelosi Voted Against Creation Of Homeland Security Department. (H.R. 5005, CQ Vote no. 367: Passed 295-132: R 207-10; D 88- 120; I 0-2, 7/26/02, Pelosi Voted Nay)
Pelosi Voted Against Both Passage And Conference Report On Bill Appropriating $87 Billion In Supplemental Spending For Military Operations And Reconstruction In Iraq And Afghanistan. (H.R. 3289, CQ Vote no. 562: Passed 303-125: R 220-6; D 83-118; I 0-1, 10/17/03, Pelosi Voted Nay; H.R. 3289, CQ Vote no. 601: Adopted 298-121: R 216-5; D 82-115; I 0-1, 10/31/03, Pelosi Voted Nay)
Six Months Before September 11th, 2001 Pelosi Voted To Decrease Proposed Defense Spending By $65 Billion. (H. Con. Res. 83, CQ Vote no. 66: Rejected 79-343: R 0-217; D 78-125; I 1-1, 3/28/01, Pelosi Voted Yea)
Pelosi Voted To Cut Intelligence Authorization By $500 Million. (H.R. 2330, CQ Vote no. 393: Rejected In Committee Of The Whole 134-299: R 13-159; D 120-140; I 1-0, 8/4/93, Pelosi Voted Yea)
Pelosi Voted To Reduce The Total Amount Authorized By The Fiscal Year 1997 Intelligence Authorization By 4.9 percent. (H.R. 3259, CQ Vote no. 187: Rejected 192-235: R 37-193; D 154-42; I 1- 0, 5/22/96, Pelosi Voted Yea)
Pelosi's And Reid's Own National Security Credentials At Odds:
Pelosi Voted Against $87 Billion Iraq And Afghanistan Security And Reconstruction Supplemental, But Reid Voted For It. (H.R. 3289, CQ Vote no. 562: Passed 303-125: R 220-6; D 83-118; I 0- 1, 10/17/03, Pelosi Voted Nay; S. 1689, CQ Vote no. 400: Passed 87-12: R 50-0; D 37-11; I 0-1, 10/17/03, Reid Voted Yea)
-- Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV): "We Have To Support Our Troops...Period." (Sen. Harry Reid, Statement Of Senator Harry Reid, Press Release, 10/20/03, Available At http://reid.senate.gov/record2.cfm?id=213684, Accessed 8/3/04)
Pelosi Voted Against 2002 Iraq War Authorization, While Reid Voted For It. (H. J. Res. 114, CQ Vote no. 455: Passed 296-133: R 215-6; D 81-126; I 0-1, 10/10/02, Pelosi Voted Nay; H.J. Res. 114, CQ Vote no. 237: Passed 77-23: R 48-1; D 29-21; I 0-1, 10/11/02, Reid Voted Yea)
Pelosi Voted Against 1991 Gulf War Authorization, While Reid Voted For It. (H. J. Res. 77, CQ Vote no. 9: Passed 250-183: R 164-3; D 86-179; I 0-1, 1/12/91, Pelosi Voted Nay; S.J. Res. 2, CQ Vote no. 2: Passed 52-47: R 42-2; D 10-45, 1/12/91, Reid Voted Yea)
"America Can Do Better" Sloganeering:
In 2004, Kerry/Edwards Campaign Used "America Can Do Better" Slogan. "Kerry has been fighting administration charges of 'pessimism' with the slogan that 'America can do better.' Since naming Sen. John Edwards ( N.C.) as his running mate, the slogan has become 'a new team for a new America.'" (Morton Kondracke, "Bush Trails Kerry On 'Vision Thing,' But Plans Catch-Up," Roll Call, 7/15/04)
Center For American Progress' Out-Of-Mainstream Liberal Think Tank:
Former Clinton Chief Of Staff John Podesta Launched "Liberal Policy Institute" Center For American Progress (CAP) "To Drive The Message For Democrats." (Julia Malone, "Activists Race To Fill 'Soft Money' Gap," The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 9/21/03)
The Nation: "It's Not Completely Wrong To See (CAP) As A Shadow Government, A Kind Of Clinton White-House-In-Exile - Or A White House Staff In Readiness For President Hillary Clinton." (Robert Dreyfuss, "An Idea Factory For The Democrats," The Nation, 3/1/04)
CAP: "It Is The Official Hillary Clinton Think Tank." (Christian Bourge, "Analysis: Liberal Think Tank Debuts," United Press International, 7/7/03)
Controversial Liberal Philanthropist George Soros Reportedly Pledged $3 Million To CAP. "(Soros) also has pledged $3 million to the Center for American Progress, a think tank led by John Podesta, chief of staff to President Clinton." (Amy Westfeldt, "Billionaire Puts His Money Where His Mouth Is - Toward Ousting Bush," The Associated Press, 6/10/04)
-- CAP "Appears To Be Another Part Of Soros's (Anti-Bush) Campaign." (Byron York, "The War Room, Cont.: This Time, The Democrats Are Calling It A 'Think Tank,'" National Review, 11/24/03)
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