Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Withdraw Harriet Miers': New Group Launches Campaign to Urge President Bush to Withdraw Supreme Court Nominee

WASHINGTON, Oct. 26 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Americans for Better Justice will launch an ad campaign, petition drive and e-mail campaign with a strong message to President Bush and United States Senators to secure the withdrawal of Harriet Miers to the United States Supreme Court.

"There is a very great deal at stake in this nomination," says David Frum, former Bush speech writer and one of the primary spokesmen for the group. "It is too important to be shrugged off -- reversing four decades of bad jurisprudence will take very uncommon levels of courage, ability, integrity, and independence. Conservatives have worked too hard for too long to settle for anything less than our very best on the Supreme Court."

Frum is joined by longtime conservative columnists and activists Linda Chavez, Mona Charen and Virginia Postrel who will discuss the reasons why this group, usually supportive of the President and his policies, have decided to launch this campaign.

An advertisement campaign will begin nationally tomorrow on FOX NewsChannel and conservative talk radio shows like Rush Limbaugh and Laura Ingraham.

The television ad says the following:

"Even the best leaders make mistakes. Conservatives support President Bush, but not Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers.

"Judge Robert Bork says 'I don't think she's qualified' and calls Miers nomination 'a disaster on every level.'

"America deserves better. Go to Urge President Bush to withdraw the nomination of Harriet Miers."

Through the Web site supporters can pledge money, sign a petition, review information on Harriet Miers and send an e-mail message to Senators.


EDITOR'S NOTE: To schedule an interview with an Americans for Better Justice spokesperson, please contact Diana Banister or Kevin McVicker at 703-739-5920.


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