Cheney Can't Ignore Facts While on Georgia Trip: Nothing Peachy About CIA Leak Scandal, Says Democratic National Committee
To: National Desk
Contact: Luis Miranda of the Democratic National Committee, 202-863-8148
WASHINGTON, Oct. 28 /U.S. Newswire/ -- While Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald officially indicted the Vice President's chief of staff on five counts today in the scandal over who leaked the identity of a covert CIA operative in a time of war, Vice President Cheney seems to be looking the other way, spending the day in Georgia for photo ops and fundraisers with Republican congressional candidates. The indictment of Cheney's Chief of Staff marks the first time in more than a century that such measures have been taken against a senior White House official by a grand jury.
Having been named in the indictment as one of Libby's sources, Vice President Cheney should be answering still unanswered questions about this national security breach instead of posing for photo ops. Cheney needs to explain why there have been inconsistencies in his remarks to the public about the scandal, and must come clean about what role he may have played in the leak or the cover up, what he knew, and when he knew it. He should also answer questions about whether or not the other members of the White House Iraq Group played a role in the leak and if they answered to him or the President.
The decision by former Congressmen Mac Collins and Max Burns to ask for Vice President Cheney's help in raising special interest cash is an indication that the Georgia Congressional candidates have decided to embrace the Republican culture of corruption in Washington, DC.
"As indictments and ongoing investigations loom over the Administration's staff and the Republican leadership in Washington, it's troubling that Max Burns and Mac Collins would feel no qualms about bringing this cloud to Georgia," said Democratic National Committee Spokesperson Luis Miranda. "Instead of distancing themselves from the Republican leadership's culture of corruption, Burns and Collins are looking to profit from it. America can do better. The crows are in the corn, and it's time for Max Burns, Mac Collins, and Dick Cheney to wake up to reality. Burns and Collins should be denouncing the culture of corruption that has become the trademark of the Republican leadership, not cozying up to it."
Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee, This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
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