A Superhero Riff on Popular Culture

Cleveland, OH (PRWEB via PR Web Direct) October 10, 2005 -- Joony Tuff, a new indie superhero comic created by Cleveland-based David Bloodsaw, riffs on popular culture, lifestyles, current events and political personalities.
The first issue of the series will be released in early November. “Joony Tuff turns the mantra of power and responsibility on its head,” says Bloodsaw. “This young-slack-turned-superhero discovers that with power comes money, hoochies, bling and fresh rides." Bloodsaw will update his blog (at http://daveblud.blogspot.com/) with the exact release dates and purchase information.
Bloodsaw created Joony Tuff partly out of his experience of trying to sell a script to Hollywood. When he realized the numerous obstacles that stood in his way, he says, “I just took the same hardships and applied them to a young man trying to become a celebrity superhero.” The first Joony Tuff mini-series features the origin of Joony and introduces readers to the core characters – Ghetto Pain Man, Fast Girl, Glorious Man and Confused Suburban Nazi Boy.
Bloodsaw subverts the superhero genre by eliminating the “typical superhero fanfare” and replaces with an exciting, edgy take on the world. Described by Bloodsaw as “Chris Rock on paper,” Joony Tuff will combine multiple subplots to create its satirical view of the world.“
The books are aimed at avid comic readers, but I want to target mature, non comic-book readers as well,” says Bloodsaw. “I want to help bridge the gap between people looking for good stories and comic books with good stories. Comic books aren’t just superheroes jumping around in tights. There are many great stories out there of all different type of genres.”
Contact information:David BloodsawPhone: 216.926.9485Web: http://daveblud.blogspot.com/
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