Monday, October 10, 2005

Bibhu Mohapatra, Design Director of J Mendel Spotted in Cape Town

PRWEB) October 10, 2005 -- Bibhu Mohapatra was entertained and toured around Cape Town by the elite of the fashion world from the new Republic of South Africa.A banquet welcoming him to Cape Town was held at the new hip Castle Restaurant in an old industrial section of Cape Town. He was one of 4 widly talented designers at the dinne, Errol Arends, Craig Port, Gail Behr.

The event was hosted by Jaime Gubbins, a local business man and supporter of the arts in the western cape.He also visited and was hosted on wine farms such as the world famous Meerlust wine farm in Stellenbosch.Mr. Mohapatra was amazed by the natural beauty of the western cape and the higly stylish residents of cape town. The native african fabrics and designs truly caught his eye.

Who knows what one may see on the new york runways in during the next spring shows.Especially at j. Mendel.While at J. Mendel, the amazingly talented Mohapatra has designed clothes for Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Simpson, Cameron Diaz, Sarah Jessica Parker, Julian Moore, Eve, Aretha Franklin, Whitney Houston, Salma Hayak, Mandy Moore, Gwen Stefani and Angelina Jolie, Kate Hudson, Britney Spears, Jessica Lange, Melania Trump, Halle Berry, Julian Moore, Kate Blanchett, Terry Hatcher, Laura Linney, The line has been featured in every major fashion magazine, Vogue, Harpers, Elle, In style, Nirali Magazine,



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