Statement of CAMR President Daniel Perry on Hwang/Schatten Cloning Paper Published in Science magazine, June 2005
WASHINGTON, Dec. 15 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The following
is a statement by Daniel Perry, president of Coalition
for the Advancement of Medical Research, on the
Hwang/Schatten Cloning Paper Published in Science
magazine, June 2005:
December 15, 2005
"The validity of a paper, published in the journal
Science, that demonstrated the extraction of stem
cells from cloned human embryos has now been called
into question. We fully support an investigation into
these allegations and support the scientific community
in calling on the authors to cooperate with them in
conducting independent tests of the cell lines.
"Despite this apparent setback, the field of embryonic
stem cell research and therapeutic cloning remains
incredibly promising as demonstrated by some of our
nation's leading scientists.
"This is just another reason that this field of
research should be allowed to be conducted in the U.S.
under the strict supervision of the National
Institutes of Health (NIH) and its stringent
peer-review system.
The Coalition for the Advancement of Medical Research
-- (CAMR)-the leading pro-cures coalition -- is
comprised of nationally-recognized patient
organizations, universities, scientific societies,
foundations, and individuals with life-threatening
illnesses and disorders, advocating for the
advancement of breakthrough research and technologies
in regenerative medicine -- including stem cell
research and somatic cell nuclear transfer -- in order
to cure disease and alleviate suffering. For more
information on CAMR, visit the website:
Mr. Perry's two-year term as President of CAMR ends
January 1, 2006. Sean Tipton was elected today as
incoming President at CAMR's annual meeting in
Washington, D.C.
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