Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Did IDG lie about feeding HBO, the Gilden Globes, or the Grammy Awards

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 18 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Today, a former employee of Los Angeles based Innovative Dining Group, Inc. ("IDG") filed a wrongful termination lawsuit against the company and several of its high ranking partners/officials: Lee Maen, Phillip Cummins, and Michael Cardenas. The Los Angeles Superior Court assigned the lawsuit Case Number BC 34180.

According to its website (http://www.innovativedining.com), IDG, which owns Sushi Roku, Katana, and Boa restaurants, also provides catering and special events for the Hollywood entertainment industry including:

(1) "Friends" Final Episode After-Party for Warner Bros. Studios;

(2) "Everybody Loves Raymond"Final Episode After-Party for Warner Bros. Studios;

(3) 2005 Golden Globes Awards Pre-Party for L.A. Confidential Magazine;

(4) 2005 Grammy Awards VIP Dinner for Virgin Records.

Laura Holycross -- the Company's former Director of Catering and Special Events -- alleges that she was wrongfully terminated after she complained that IDG was engaged in illegal and fraudulent conduct including:

(1) charging its clients (including HBO, Credit Suisse, and Virgin Records) for non-existent services and products;

(2) hiring undocumented workers so that it could pay them less than it would have to pay individuals authorized to work in the United States and that it paid its workers "under the table" so that it did not have to pay federal, state, and local taxes;

(3) refusing to allow its workers to take the meal and rest periods to which they were entitled under California law;

(4) instructing its employees, including Ms. Holycross, to falsify and forge legal documents and information that was to be provided to its clients, their lawyers, their security companies, and various police departments; and

(5) instructing its employees not to book events that would include African-American and Persian guests.
Commenting about her lawsuit, Holycross' attorney, Andrew H. Friedman of Venice-based Helmer Friedman, LLP said "California law clearly prohibits employers, and certainly their highest level officials, from firing an employee for complaining about illegal conduct. We look forward to vigorously representing our client and obtaining the remedies to which she is entitled under the law."

For additional information or a PDF copy of Holycross's complaint, contact Gregory D. Helmer (ghelmer@helmerfriedman.com), Andrew H. Friedman afriedman@helmerfriedman.com), or Helmer Friedman, LLP at 310- 396-7714.

Website: http://www.helmerfriedman.com


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