Thursday, October 13, 2005

Congressman Lantos Announces Evacuation Legislation on Animal Radio

(PRWEB) October 13, 2005 -- Congressman Tom Lantos (CA-D) announced on Animal Radio® new legislation entitled The Pets Evacuation and Transportation Standards Act (PETS Act, H.R. 3858).

This new legislation will ensure that in any future disaster, federal officials will not separate people from their household pets and service animals such as seeing-eye dogs, as they did in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Lantos is also the co-founder of the Friends of Animal Caucus. Hear the Congressman this week on Animal Radio®

.“Many lives were lost during Hurricane Katrina, both human and animal, because humans were told to leave their pets behind. With the help of people like Congressman Lantos, no one will ever have to make that choice again!” says Animal Radio Network® Associate Producer Judy Francis. Animal Radio is America’s most listened to animal talk show according to Arbitron.

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