Thursday, December 01, 2005

Statement on Imminent Execution of Kenneth Boyd, 1,000th U.S. Execution Since Death Penalty Was Restored in 1976

KENSINGTON, Md., Dec. 1 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The president of Throw Away The Key, an education and advocacy group that works to reduce violent crime, issued the following statement this evening regarding the imminent execution of Kenneth Boyd, who will be the 1,000th killer executed in the United States since the death penalty was restored in 1976. Michael Paranzino said:
"When Kenneth Boyd is executed tomorrow morning, let us pause and say a prayer for the 600,000 innocent men, women and children who have been brutally murdered across America in the time that 1,000 killers have faced justice. Let us also remember Julie Curry Boyd and her father Thomas Curry, who were murdered in cold blood by Kenneth Boyd.
"Boyd is typical of the killers executed under our modern death penalty system. He is clearly guilty, and killed two innocent people. Over the last 10 years, executed killers have been averaging just over two known murder victims each. Boyd is, then, among this worst of the worst.
"Finally, death penalty opponents often claim wrongfully that the death penalty is not a deterrent. But let Kenneth Boyd's execution be a loud and clear warning to every man out there who believes he has a right to kill his wife, ex-wife, girlfriend or ex-girlfriend if he feels spurned. The American people are fed up with women-killers, and American juries will bring you to justice. If you kill a woman in cold blood, you may end up in Boyd's place on that gurney.
"In a few days, it will be time for unrepentant four-time killer Stanley 'Tookie' Williams to face justice in California, and no protests by rich Hollywood stars are going to be able to protect that murderer. Williams refuses to inform on his fellow killers in the Crips gang he founded, because he cares more about protecting killers and thugs than saving the lives of the Black and Latino teens who are most often the victims of gang violence. We are confident California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger will stand with the families of California and not side with a cold- hearted killer."
To learn more about the nonpartisan, nonprofit Throw Away The Key, visit their website at .
/© 2005 U.S. Newswire 202-347-2770/


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