Saturday, December 31, 2005

MSHA Publishes Final Rules for Shaft, Slope Construction Workers and Diesel-Powered Electrical Generators

WASHINGTON, Dec. 30 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The U.S.
Department of Labor's Mine Safety and Health
Administration (MSHA) today published a final rule in
the Federal Register requiring safety and health
training for shaft and slope construction workers at
mines nationwide. In another final rule published
today, MSHA will allow the use of low- and
medium-voltage diesel-powered electrical generators as
an alternative means of powering electrical equipment
in underground coal mines.

MSHA's review of mine accident and fatality records
from 1982 through 2003 showed that miners performing
shaft and slope construction work were exposed to the
same types of hazards as other underground and surface
miners. This final rule removes the training exclusion
for shaft and slope construction workers who, in the
future, will receive the same type of safety and
health training afforded other miners under Title 30,
Part 48 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Shaft and
slope construction workers will now receive training
for new miners, training for experienced miners, task
training, annual refresher training and hazard

Additionally, a final rule today updates MSHA's
electrical safety standards to allow using low- and
medium-voltage diesel-powered electrical generators as
an alternative for powering electrical equipment in
underground coal mines. The final rule eliminates the
need for mine operators to file petitions for
modification to use these portable generators to power
electrical equipment.

MSHA's primary mission as a federal agency is to
ensure worker safety and health in the nation's mines.


EDITOR'S NOTE: The full text of MSHA's final rules can
be accessed at the Federal Register Web site by
clicking on the following links:
(diesel-powered electrical generators)
(shaft and slope construction mine workers)


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