Wednesday, November 23, 2005

DNC: Republicans Play Semantic Games as President Bush's Credibility Sinks

To: National Desk, Political Reporter
Contact: Karen Finney of Democratic National Committee, 202-863-8148
WASHINGTON, Nov. 23 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The Washington Post reported today that Republicans in Washington are hiding behind semantics to distort the fact that-despite their denials before Congress last week-oil company executives shaped Vice President Cheney's energy task force report. According to the Post, the Republican majority on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee is arguing that the question of who participated in the task force's deliberations depends on the definition of "participation." (Washington Post, 11/23/05)
These semantic games help explain the American people's declining confidence in President Bush's honesty. According to latest Harris Interactive poll, 64 percent of Americans -- including 73 percent of independents-believe the Bush Administration "generally misleads the American public on current issues to achieve its own ends." The same poll found that 55 percent of Americans believe the indictment of Vice President Cheney's former chief of staff for perjury, obstruction of justice and making false statements is evidence of "a larger problem in the Bush administration." (Wall Street Journal, 11/23/05)
Democratic National Committee Communications Director Karen Finney today issued the following statement on the Bush Administration's diminishing credibility:
"The American people are sending a clear message. They are tired of a Republican-led Congress and an Administration that ignores the American people's values and priorities, that ignores the real issues confronting our hardworking families, and that continues to mislead and distort the truth to hide a radical special interest-driven agenda.
"Democrats believe that together, America can do better. It is time for President Bush to do what's right for the American people by rejecting the politics of spin and distortion and joining Democrats in fighting for an agenda that restores honesty in government and puts the American people ahead of the special interests."
Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee, . This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
/© 2005 U.S. Newswire 202-347-2770/


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