Thursday, October 06, 2005

New Study Shows Talking Smoke Alarm More Effective for Children

October 2005 (Newstream) -- When it comes to fire safety, children do listen to their parents. According to a new study conducted by Ohio State, 96 percent of children wake up to their parents voice versus less than 50 percent to a conventional beeping smoke alarm. The quick response by children has proven to cut the escape time from 5 minutes to 38 seconds. It's an alarming number experts are focusing on during the month of October, Fire Safety Month.

Every year more than 40,000 American children are injured or die in house fires. Experts say when children awake to the sound of a normal smoke alarm, they are typically disoriented or frightened whereas hearing a familiar voice can help a child in traumatic situations. Now, a new smoke alarm allows parents to record their own voice and personal message sure to wake children from a deep sleep and instruct them to safety.

Fire Safety officials say having a family fire escape plan and effective smoke alarm should be a priority for families, especially those with young children or elderly who need extra care to move to safety. During Fire Safety Month, SignalONE will donate vocal smoke alarms to state fire marshal offices to help families make fire safety a priority. Additionally, consumers can visit and download a 5-step Fire Escape Plan that families can simply fill-in-the-blanks to help prepare for a fire emergency.

George Burke, former director of the IAFF Burn Foundation, comments on childrens' responses to traditional smoke alarms. Video available.

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