Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Hiker Nears End of the Trail in Walk for Iraq

(PRWEB) October 11, 2005 -- When Tyler Clive started hiking the Appalachian Trail he knew he had a long road ahead of him. The trail runs 2,175 miles from Georgia to Maine. Hiking the Appalachian Trail from start to finish requires about 5 million steps—give or take few thousand. Only about 10 percent of the hikers who start the Appalachian Trail actually finish.

But Tyler has a greater goal that motivates him to finish what he started. Tyler is a pacesetter in Walk for Iraq, a program he created to raise money for children in Iraq. Tyler teamed up with Operation Give, a non-profit organization that sends toys, educational supplies and other relief items to children in Iraq.

Tyler’s goal has been to raise $25,000 in his Walk for Iraq. As he approaches the end of his journey, he has already raised over $15,000. “As long as there is a need for the children in Iraq, I’ll be taking donations to push me to my goal,” Tyler said. “I talk with people every day who are excited about helping.”As Tyler concludes his journey, he will be joined by supporters, including Paul Holton, a Utah National Guardsman, award-winning author and founder of Operation Give. Holton has great admiration for Tyler and the task he has undertaken. “Tyler is an amazing young man. He knew that just hiking the Appalachian Trail for himself wasn’t enough. His efforts will now enable Operation Give to deliver toys and medial services to handicapped children in hospitals in Iraq.”

Holton adds “Operation Give is completely staffed by volunteers. We’re a very lean and efficient operation. So we were thrilled to know that Tyler’s efforts would be self-funded.” None of the donations go toward his personal expenses on the trail.

Individual and corporate donations are still being encouraged. Contributions can be made online by going to http://www.walkforiraq.org/ or www.operationgive.org.

In his summer-long trek, Tyler has experienced torrential rains, and the frequent challenge of finding water while dehydrated. He has seen bear, moose, and beautiful forests. He has climbed and descended over 88 miles along the way, the equivalent of climbing from sea level to the summit of Everest more than 16 times.

After he completes his trek Tyler Clive will continue his passion for serving others by serving as missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Zimbabwe. Tyler said. “I have a lot satisfaction in knowing that my summer’s effort leaves a lasting gift to children in need. This has been the favorite summer of my life!"


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